"Where is he, I'm curious." Said Cordelia scanning the room for anyone who might be Tom Riddle.

"He's the one against that wall leaning so close to that redhead that you can barely even distinguish where she ends and he begins." Said Ophelia looking where Tom stood next to Brigitte Altwell.

"Oh, he has a very dark aura indeed, I can see where Primrose is coming from. Are you sure you won't let your father kill him?" Asked Cordelia, Ophelia rolled her eyes.

"Yes," SAid Ophelia, and Cordelia rolled her eyes,

"What if he steals his wand?" Suggested Cordelia,

"No." Said Ophelia,

"Come on now, darling, let's have some fun while we're here," Said Cordelia, "Look there's Lolita doesn't she look lovely."

She really did look lovely. Black dress that did her many favours. Each curve was highlighted in a beautiful blend of classy and tempting. Ophelia composed herself as Lolita walked over.

"Mrs Marigold, Lia." She adressed.

"Lita." Said Ophelia, as Lolita flashed her a startlingly beautiful smile.

"So, that's him, huh." She said looking at Tom Riddle who was now leaning against the wall alone, as the redhead had left to get them drinks.

"How did you-"

"You gave me a name, Lia, I can do a lot with a name." Said Lolita, "I don't see why you are so affected by this."

"I'm sorry, we were-"

"Don't apologize it's a fucked up female habit." Said Lolita ad Ophelia and Cordelia both began to smile.

"I like you, Oh, there's Nate he's gotten caught up with Slughorn. I need to save him, believe it or not it was a part of our wedding vows." SAid Cordelia as she rushed off.

"I believe it, he just told me how wonderful the head girl with and what a shame it was that she and the head boy split up." Said Lolita and Ophelia looked at her in amazement. "that she could have been his first lady,"

"He's such a dick." Said Ophelia and Lolita smirked at her.

"Oh I know, but you know what he had on him?" Ophelia looked up at her intrigued, "A thirty thousand galleon ring." Said Lolita, "I want it. I need a duplication charm. Up for a little square dancing?"

"Anything as a distraction." Said Ophelia, "We split it right?"

"Of course, you get me a duplicate of that ring and we each take home fifteen thousand Galleons." Said Lolita.

"THere are costs to moving something that big." Said Ophelia watching the portly little man her game face on. Lolita smirked at this. Ophelia was one of her favourite people to work with.

"Your brother owns the art gallery for Laundering purposes." Said Lolita, "And my uncle,"

"Has the jewelry store." Finished Ophelia, "Square dancing? that's our play? We can't do that here."

"Well, what about the line dance that is happening soon. We could walk away with more than that ring." Said Lolita, and Ophelia smiled at her.

"I like the way you think, Lita." Said Ophelia and Lolita smirked, "Now for a duplicate of that ring."

The two girls approached professor Slughorn.


She looked so damn beautiful, hair down, lips painted the same shade of red as her dress, eyes bright. He saw her parents, they looked like such a happy family. Tom saw a girl he had never seen before but Ophelia clearly knew her. They smiled at each other like there was some great big secret that only they were in on.

Oh, Ophelia | Tom RiddleWhere stories live. Discover now