Taking the food that was still left, she zipped up her other bag and sat down to breathe in for a second.

"This is fucking with me..." She whispered to herself holding her head from the stress. School alone was already annoying for her, but a whole damn apocalypse was just testing her.

"Hey Hey Hey- this doesn't look half bad!" Nao heard a load voice from the entrance area, making her flinch.

"Shut up Bokuto! You're going to attract the dead again!!" Another whisperyelled making the first guy whimper a sad, "Okay Akaashi..."

"Noo~" A third voice chipped in quite but annoyed. "These twerps already took the apple pie!"

"I'm twerps." She smiled to herself, quickly standing up. "It's calming to hear actual people, but I know better than to run to them..."

She took out her gun and made my way to the back-door, only to see a handful of the dead just standing there looking into nothingness nor growling.

Quickly doing a 180° Nao suddenly bumped into something, thinking it's a zombie she jumped back out of shock, slamming roughly against the wall.

Before she could scream out in pain a hand was clapped onto her already covered mouth.

Black messy hair and blue sharp eyes, a second year if not third.

Putting his finger on his lips he shushed her, "Shhhh! Don't scream, they're too close."

Pissed, Nao looked at the man infront her and pressed her gun against his chest, making him jump a few feet away putting his hands up. "W-Wait I wasn't trying to do anything-"

The Zombies she tried to get away from earlier, sprinted at the guy infront her making him panic.

Aiming at the zom, she shot, the guy behind her flinched and held his ears shut as both their ears ringed.

Ofcourse the rest of the walking corpses heard everything as well and they were more tham happy to join the party.

"Akaashi!! What happened?!" Three guys came, stopping behind him. All of them were atleast half if not a whole feet taller than her.

"What did their parents put into their cereal for them to be so fuckin tall?" She looked in disbelief.

Stepping back she knew they were all fucked. Zombies coming from both the back door and the front door, to top it off her dominant hand was injured and no windows to escape out of.

"Sir! Are you from the military!?" Looking up to the boys their eyes we're full of hope. Deciding not to give an answer, she was more stressed about the monsters coming closer. Putting a knife through the head of her second zombie, she whispering a quite "sorry".

All of them were human once afterall.

Nao turned around suddenly looking a zombie right in the eyes, freezing on the spot.

"W-watch it!!" The loud guy from earlier yelled, smashing the zombie infront of her, with the force he put in, the Z's skul caved right in.

Turning his back to her, he went into stance with the bat.

"W-we can help!" He said, taking out the baseball bat to smash the few zombies that were closer now.

A bit surprised Nao quickly gripped her gun firmly, ready to get this over with.

"We're closer to the back entrance, let's get out of there!" the shorter one of the group with black-blond hair spoke up, while being protected by a taller male with messy black hair and an iron rod.

"You heared the man!" Messy hair screamed. All of them bundled together by now, getting attacked from all sides.

Listening to him, Nao fired her way out taking everyone off guard, as she shelled out an "Out!" while pointing out the back-door.

Not asking anything they leistend to the 'grown up' and ran out. While they were clearing everything behind me, Nao walked backwards keeping the undead at bay.

"It's clear, sir!!" the brunett heard behind her, deciding to make a run for it.

The moment she came out, the boys shut the door and threw wood and other things infront it.

"They could have locked me in there but decided not to, that's a green flag I guess." She thought to herself, still catching her breath. There were still to many monsters around thought.

"This way, sir!" All of them said in union running down the street.

"I'm a barely 15year old whaman, if they call me sir again I'mma commit a felony-" Nao scoffed.

Her wrist hurt from useing the gun too much, not to mention her shoulders felt like they could fall off anytime and her ears weren't any better.

She quickly learned after 10 near-death experiences, that you can only kill those things by smashing their head, otherwise they just walk away like it's a Sunday evening.

It took awhile but eventually they made it to Karasuno high, where there weren't as many walking corpses.

"Nishinoya, Hinata! Open the gates!" Kuroo yelled, out of breathe.

Unsure if she should actually go in with them, Nao hesitated again, but after seeing two 5"3 kids pull open the gates, she knew she wasn't gonna die any time soon.

Getting pulled behind the gates was the best feeling she gotten since this whole apocalypse.

"Woahhh are you a soldier?!" Both the kids jumped infront of her. "Are we saved?! Iz dat a gun?!?! What are-" Nao slapped a hand over both their mouths, stopping them from whisper yelling at me any more.

"That's enough" Akasshi whispered. "You two are getting replaced on watch duty for now." Akaashi pushed the loud idiots into the school with him, making them both whine like kids. Turning around he gave Nao a polite wave and an apologetic smile at the same time. "Kenma, I'm leaving it to you."

Leaving her behind with the owl guy from earlier, the guy with messy hair and a rusty rod thrown over his shoulder and said Kenma who stood beside me, just as concerned about how the guys infront me were towering over me.

"Soooooo..." Kuroo spoke up, only for Bokuto to take over. "...why're you so short?"

"Maybe this isn't to bad..." Her head slowly got heavier and her sight blurry. "Fuck, I think I'm fainting..."

"Woah- sir-!!"


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