¥ 18 - Alive ¥

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When Aria awoke, her arms were cold from where Pan was missing, his body heat being removed from her touch. Sitting up, Aria looked slowly around and searched for the missing boy. The silence of the forest was the only reply she heard.

Aria moved off the hammock slowly and down the ladder of her treehouse. The fire was cold, and not because it had been put out, but because it had never been lit in the first place. She used the heart within her to try detect his presence, but the only one she felt was her own. Aria became frustrated, she knew that to trust Pan would cause more harm than help, yet she wanted to anyway. His disappearance could only mean one thing. He had gone after Henry's heart. And she would have to return to the other world. The real world.

Aria was nervous more than ever, she may have magic and the heart of Neverland within her, but facing the world again was something she never imagined doing. But she had to. There was more at stake than her own life, but the life of Henry, a boy who was stuck in the mess Pan created. She washed, ate, gathered a bag of supplies and stored away her things in the treehouse. She may not want to go back, but at least in this place 'Storybrooke' it wouldn't be normal people, it was other fairytale characters. Pan had said they called it a 'land without magic,' and without it, she'd be weak to Pan. The least she could do was try.

She thought of the town and Henry as she waved her hand, disappearing in a whirl of pale green smoke and appearing elsewhere, on a dock. She looked around and was glad when she found no onlookers to her arrival. She looked over the Dock and saw the familiar ship she had seen a day ago, docked on the shores of Neverland. The Jolly Rodger looked empty and the sun was only just rising, signifying it was early morning.

Aria set off and felt herself relax at the familiar presence inside her. Her magic. It wasn't gone. Aria felt one of the many weights on her shoulders crumble as her insecurity shattered a little. She waved her hands and gave herself a wardrobe change, switching from her scruffy clothes to some jeggings and a white tank top, a red shirt loosely over her shoulders and black combat boots on her feet. Going back would be easier if she fit in.

Walking aimlessly she recognised the familiar layout of a minor town, the library, the diner, the assortment of cute village shops. Much like the characters in fairytales the town had it's own fictional aesthetic, so natural that it was hard to place the atmosphere exactly. It was quiet and the pavement held the musk smell of dampness after a light shower of rain. Noticing the forest on the outskirts she made her way there instead, preferring the comfort of familiarity to the place she had run away from.

After sleeping a few hours she woke to the sound of screaming in the distance. Hearing the distress, she jumped from the hammock she had made from the canopy around her and landed on the ground below. Moving closer to the sound, she carefully walked ahead, noticing the daylight and the bustling streets on the other side of the wooded haven.

She stepped out just in time to see a woman get her shadow ripped from her body by Pan's shadow. She tried to use her magic to detain it, but it flew too far away from her reach. She wasn't on Neverland now, so it wouldn't obey under her command. At the woman's side were familiar faces. "She's gone," David spoke.

"Why would the shadow kill her?" Tinker bell asked.

"No idea love, but I do know the shadow only takes orders from one person," Hook noted.

"Pan," Emma finishes concerned.

"Where is he?" Aria asked, catching all their attention.

"How do we know you didn't do this?" Hook immediately threatened.

"I didn't, I promise. I came to stop Pan. He left Neverland for Henry's heart. That's why I'm here," she defended herself.

"Pan's locked away, there's no way he could get out," Emma added, raising their suspicion of Aria.

¥ - Lost and Found - Peter Pan (Robbie Kay) - ¥Where stories live. Discover now