¥ 7 - Rebellion ¥

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Pan's threat seemed harrowing, but the actual humiliation he had in mind was pretty much the same as the day before. Apart from this time, Aria may starve because of it.

They were doing archery, using bows, arrows and crossbows. She was shown it yet again by Edward and then was left to her own devices to learn how to use it properly. Pan made it into a competition again, making them all aim for the same target, but when Aria finally landed a hit he made it harder, sending the group out to hunt. Same rules as fishing, you eat what you kill, no sharing and no helping. Knowing that she wouldn't catch anything she accepted going hungry for the day and continued to practice with the target. She would skip a meal if it meant she learned how to use the bow properly. Then she'd never go hungry.

When Pan found her by the target still practising, he watched her fail, firing arrows everywhere. He was amused by her failure and watched amazed at her determination to continue. "Just give up already," Pan told her. Aria ignored him.

She would not stop just because he wanted it. She was already sick of his demands. She was recovering from her humiliation earlier and now knowing that Pan's eyes were watching her, her skin itched again. When she missed again she stopped to take a deep breath, count to ten in her head to calm herself. Lifting the bow again she watched as it shook in her trembling grip. She couldn't get over her anxiety, the thought of going hungry forever fluttering back and forth in her mind and in her stomach. She took a breath in and released the bowstring, but something stepped in its way.

Pan caught the arrow, showing off, his smirk on his face. "Pathetic really, Tom would have made a better Lost Boy than you," he commented.

"Leave him out of this," Aria replied, trying to keep her voice down.

Pan laughed shortly and moved over to a crossbow, placing the arrow he caught into it. "Let's make this more fun shall we? You shoot this apple off my head and I'll make sure you eat tonight."

"And why would you do that? You don't like me," Aria questioned.

"Let's call it pity. After all, we both know you're going to miss," he taunted.

He offered her the crossbow and she snatched it from his hands. He positioned himself in front of the target, an apple on his head. He watched her with his green eyes like hypnotised snakes, cold and blank. Aria would have loved some food tonight, but she knew she'd miss. There was still a bigger target she could aim for and she'd already accepted she wasn't eating tonight. With a determined focus, she fired.

The arrow flew not at the apple, but towards Pan, but as he tried to move it with his magic it continued its course. If he had not moved out the way in time, the arrow would have sunk nicely into his chest. Aria was glad when she saw the small expression of fear on his face and he looked at her with curiosity. There was no way she had been the cause for the arrow's inability to move, but if she wasn't, what was?

"Shame you moved, it was on target," Aria quipped.

Pan knew she would point it at him anyway and smirked, "you'd never hit me if you tried."

"Maybe. Can you leave me in peace now?" She asked, hoping that maybe the arrogant boy may leave her be. She needed the break before she broke from the inside out.

"No, I want to see you hit this target. A hundred arrows by sunset. If not expect punishment tomorrow," Pan told her.

Aria could tell he was serious and rolled her eyes as she went to pick the bow up again. At least she would gain from this, maybe she wouldn't feel so anxious in his presence. He would be watching her, she knew it. So at least there would be some other outcome other than being able to fire a bow. And exhaustion.

¥ - Lost and Found - Peter Pan (Robbie Kay) - ¥Where stories live. Discover now