Reaper's Past

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I stayed up all night, staring at the elegant hair pin that Yoongi gave me 2 months ago. My fingers twirled it as I grazed the red rose that was perfectly carved.

My mother would have looked so pretty with this.

And soon, it will be my turn to wear this. Along with a crown as I sit on the throne, ruling the kingdom with someone.

Someone. A new King.

My husband.

The thought made me imagine myself in a white dress as I held a bouquet of red roses in my hand and shared our kiss on the altar.

The most sinful part was that I imagined standing on the altar...

With Jimin.

Blood rushed to my cheeks as I placed the hairpin down, securing it in the golden pouch before I cast a spell on it, letting one of the stars in the night to protect it for me.

How could I be so shameless to imagine kissing him on the altar?

God, Y/N, Your Highness my ass.

A knock on the door startled me and a silver head popped in as he showed off a charming smile.

"Hey. You're not asleep yet?", he asked and I shook my head.

"I usually sleep late and I'll end up getting scolded by my etiquette tutors till the sun is on top of my head", I said, playfully rolling my eyes, earning a laugh from him as he closed the door.

"You're one special princess, I can tell you that. Most girls I met usually would say... 'you bothered my beauty sleep', blahblahblah", he said in a girlish tone, making me chuckle.

"I don't do beauty sleep. I hate putting on night masks it necessary?", I said as he sat down on my bed.

"You remind me of my mother. She hates beauty stuff. I bet she would like you", he said before his smile turned into a frown.

I noticed that something's wrong.

"Jimin, are you okay?", I asked, worried.

"Yeah, I just missed her. It's been so long without her", he said sadly.

"What happened?", I asked as I wrapped my hand around his, giving him some comfort.

"Well...I was a human. Just like any other human to walk the Earth. I was happy, despite my friends most of them being vampires and demons", he said.

"I died in a car crash with my mother when I was 25. We were on a holiday during that accident", he said, a tear running down his cheek.

"I thought I would walk into afterlife with her by my side. I was a bit happy for once that I could at least be with her but I didn't..."

"W-Why?", I asked and he pursed his lips.

"Before we died, my father was a gang leader. Killing innocent people for money and fun. His sins blocked our way from passing away peacefully", he said, his hand gripping mine gently.

"I was given a choice by the reaper who sent us. One, I would be a reaper for eternity and my mother can pass on peacefully without me. Second, the both of us would end up as lost souls until my father is punished for his sins", he said and cried harder.

"I don't want my mother to wander the Earth just because of my father. It's unfair. Out of love for my mother, I became a reaper and she passed on peacefully, never to see me again", he said as he finally broke down into a fit of tears.

I cried hearing his story. Never would have I thought a reaper actually had a tragic backstory. I feel sorry for him.

Without hesitation, I pulled him into a hug, letting his head rest on my shoulder as he cried harder.

"Let it all out, Jimin. Let it all out. I'm here for you", I whispered and I felt his arms wrapping around my waist as he cried for his dear mother.

I played with his silver locks as he slowly calmed down, his arms still wrapped tight around me.

I loosened the hug as I felt my cheeks burn in embarrassment. I wasn't used to such close contact like this.

"Can you play with my hair? My mother used to do that before she passed on", he asked and I smiled. How adorable. He's still a child when it comes to his mother.

"Sure", I said and he gently lay his head on my lap. My fingers tangled themselves in his silky silver locks as I feel him lean against my hand in comfort.

I felt his hand on my thigh as he drew circles on my nightgown. I could feel his finger through the thin material.

My toes curled as I felt his entire palm running up and down my thigh, making me blush so hard.

I could feel his warm tears on my nightgown as he cried on my lap. Never would have I thought a reaper, who always leads the dead to where they came from, would cry like any other being in the world.

I understand.

The entire kingdom has always seen me as a cold and selfish Princess when I just never had the chance to step out on my own my entire life.

Papa always keeps me in, forcing me to learn etiquettes when I love sword fighting and horse riding.

And I see it now, we all want to be someone but sometimes we have to be someone that we don't want to be.

I want to have my own taste of freedom but for the sake of the whole kingdom that will be weighing on my shoulders one day, I have to spend my days in uncomfortable gowns and heels that kill.

I have to be a lady of grace and beauty than be a normal girl who wanted to ride through the woods as the smell of pine excites me.

Same as Jimin.

Jimin wanted to pass on and spend his life with his mother but as a caring son, he had to choose to be a reaper for his love for his dear mother.

He had to be an immortal being for the rest of his life than rather being a normal soul and pass on onto his next life.

"Y/N?", Jimin called my name, snapping me out of trance as his fingers grazed my cheek out of nowhere.

I looked down at him who was laying his head n my lap as he stroked my cheek. Our eyes met as he kept stroking my cheek with his thumb.

"Why are you crying?", he asked as I felt a tear than unconsciously dropped from my eye and onto his thumb.

"N-Nothing...", I lied as I could feel my royal heart that was born to be brave and bold cracking into a million pieces as I felt the reaper's sadness.

"Did I make you cry?, he asked as he sat up, worried.

"N-No, I just...", I was about to lie but then I knew, he has seen through me. You can never lie to a reaper. They don't just lead souls.

They read them.

That's the reapers' secret. They understand every sadness you're going through as you cry for a loss. No matter how hard you try to deny it.

"You feel pity for me, I know", he said as he crossed his legs on my bed. He looked at me from under his silver locks that were once in my grasp.

"I'm sorry, Jimin. I never thought you've been through so much and I wished I have could done something about", I said and he cupped my cheek, making me look at him.

"Sometimes, I hate it when you feel like you could have made things better for people. You want to change everything...but remember.."

"No one can be the knight in shining armour"

"Even if you were the most powerful being to have ever lived, there will always be lives that you can't save. No matter how much you wanted to", he said as his words ringed in my ears.

He's right.

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