15 (Finale Part 1)

Start from the beginning

I watched as he led teen me out of the house. I was quick to follow so I could get a good look at what was happening. I watched as mercy led teen me through some dark woods. It seemed like it was about to happen again with older me as it did with the last memory, except this time we stop at an old castle. Mercy leads me into the old creepy castle hallway after hallway. Stairs upon stairs.

I watch as Teen me and Mercy stop at a gold lined coffin. It dosent look like a crypt. I watch as the kid is slid off by mercy. "There is lord Bowser Luigi" Mercy says. I watched on as teen me looks at bowser. Looking on I watch as mercy puts his hand on my shoulder. Mercy grabs Luigi's chin with his gloved hand and gives him a passionate kiss. "Luigi don't back away or fight this. Lord Bowser has given me permission to do this" Mercy tells teenager me who shakes his head no after the kiss is over and starts to run. Mercy calling for him to stop but I don't listen. I watch with extremely sadness, as younger me trips down the stairs, finally reaching the body my body is in different angles and the light gone from my eyes.

I shake my head with a sadness. I can't believe I'm forced to relive and watch every time I have died and how. Another memory suddenly appears. This time I'm an adult. I watch as younger me appears to smile. A voice calling me softly as I watch myself go through a graveyard crypt in a trance. My mouth saying "don't worry my love I'm on my way". I don't know what to do when I find that one of my past lives actually went into the crypt. I followed immediately as I went down into the deep dark hallway into another room. The same gold lined coffin rest in the center of the room. Moonlight lighting only around the coffin.

I hear myself whisper "I've heard your voice my love. I've come to set you free" I watched on as I pushed the lid off of the coffin. I pulled a knife out of my pocket that I had in the pants. With preparation I hold it up to the palm of my hand prepared to cut. When suddenly Mario appears from behind me. Snaps my neck. I let out a muffled cry as I watch on as Mario talks to my now dead body. "I'm so sorry Luigi. I couldn't let you. Not revive him. Who knows the intended consequences. I won't ever tell you when you reach the final reincarnation. I've played with fate enough already. She will get me. I won't tell you ever. I will make sure with all my power that I have you won't ever find out about this. I will even make sure bowser keeps his mouth shut to. I know he has eyes watching from the shadows. I will make sure he stays in his eternal slumber" Mario says as he leaves the crypt. I sigh.

I just don't even bother crying over my deaths anymore. "First Mercy kills me. Then Bowser gives him permission to be in love with me. No wonder Mercy hates me. Then my own brother kills me, what's next "I say to myself as another memory comes into play. This time I'm an adult. I'm running from something I take many twists and turns. I don't even know what I'm running from but I guess the woods are my best friend because that's where I'm headed in this memory. My breathing ragged as my green clothes are torn. I'm wearing a dress it looks like. A dress? I look again and surely enough I am.

I watch as I struggle to trek through the woods. It's a green maids dress. My legs are freshly shaved and showing. I watch as a stick cuts my thigh. It's a shallow cut but it's enough to make me bleed. I hear a voice call out. "Stop running Luigi. You will submit to me either way this goes. I will have you" A voice that belongs to mercy rings out. I watch as I come to a dead end. "Got you my dear" Mercy says. His eyes glowing a deep crimson like Bowsers. "Luigi can't run from me forever. I've waited three thousand years for you to finally love me. I've killed you two times already. Please just surrender. Let's not make it a third time" Mercy says to me, as I look on.

I watch as the past reincarnation of me shakes his head no. Why do I look the same. I just look slightly more feminine this time. With a shake voice I say" Mercy I refuse to surrender. Kill me all you want." That only seems to set Mercy off further. I watch as his dry bones body goes forward towering over me. He puts his arm on my lower back. He tilts my head back as he makes me look him in the eyes. "So be it" he says before he gently as possible sinks his fangs deep into my neck. I watch myself just look up at the sky. My body soon going limp. Until the light fades out of my eyes. "I'm sorry. Luigi. I love you. Will until the end of time" as Mercy just lays my body down. I don't get time to blink before it's somewhere else entirely.

My attention is turned to a half dead me as Mario stands in front of me. I see Mercy in the middle of four vampires. Two flanking his left and right sides of mercy. "Mario you can take five original vampires on at once. Maybe one but that's about it." Mercy says. Then everything goes dark and I see myself being burned at the stake. "Witchcraft!" Someone hollars. I can't take it. Mario looks so sad. I don't know how to feel. That is it. The memories they have quit for now. I feel my eyes open. I let the tears fall freely this time for everyone I endured.

A/N: part 1 of the 5 part chapter finale is here. Ah poor Luigi. Mercy is by far the cruelest Original Vampire. So what did you guys think of this one?

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