You fought through the burn as the blue-haired artist worked, collapsing as soon as he informed you he had marked your pose.

Yusuke: "I suppose it will suffice. It lacks the elegance you showed in battle however"

You: "Unless you want to draw while I fight off shadows, I can't exactly help with that"

Yusuke: "Perhaps you could introduce me to this Yoshizawa instead? She may provide the poses I am looking for"

You: "Yeah, not a chance"

Yusuke: "S-such directness!"

You: "What did you expect?! The last time you met one of my lady friends, you asked to paint her nude!"

Yusuke: "B-but I must capture the essence of these acrobatics!"

You: "I'm sure my help will suffice, got it?!"

Yusuke: "Very well...I suppose I cannot argue your reasoning"

The two of you hung out for the rest of the day, continuing on to make him some curry in the evening to appease his grumbling stomach.

Yusuke: "Thank you for the meal"

You: "You're lucky boss is out getting smokes. He'd be pissed if he saw me giving you freebies"

Yusuke: "I thank you F/n. I'm not exactly flush with cash currently, so the taste of a proper meal like this is one I do miss. is the only true sustenance I need!"

As if on cue, Yusuke's stomach let out another large grumble, the artist feeling betrayed by his own body.

You: "Just get a job man..."

The two of you enjoyed your curries together, savoring the familiar flavors you had come to love.

Yusuke: "I couldn't find an adequate time to bring it up earlier, but you are in a romantic relationship with this Yoshizawa, correct?"

You: "N-not exactly. her...but we're not there just yet"

The subject quickly made you shy, lowering your face to look at your curry and hide your light blush.

Yusuke: "My apologies for my forwardness, I simply assumed it to be common knowledge at this point. Ryuji has definitely been vocal about it on numerous occasions"

You: "Yup, that numbskull can't keep his mouth shut to save his life"

Yusuke: "I am not one very gifted in romance personally. However, I wish you luck in your quest to win her heart!"

You: "Uh...thanks?"

Yusuke: "After all, her acrobatics movements suit you well. I wish for you to learn more from her! These dynamic poses might be just what I need to help my artist's block"

You: "...if I see a painting of me in a gallery, I'm going to be...very unhappy"

With your curries finished, your time together was at an end. The two of you made the poses you had created on your visit to the church, signaling your departure. Yusuke went on his way to his dorms, while you settle in for the night, formulating plans on when you would infiltrate Futaba's Palace.

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