8 | Deal

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"Ngh!!" My yell was muffled as a hand forcefully covered my mouth. An arm was wrapped around my torso and lifted me from the ground, stopping me from running further.

I dropped the sword and held onto the person's hand, attempting to uncover my mouth. But, despite my body thrashing around and my nails clawing at the fabric of the arm's sleeve, they wouldn't let go. My legs frantically searched for somewhere to plant my feet on or kick the person holding me. Much to my dismay, their grip was just too much.

'No, no, no, no, no! Tariga!!!' is what I tried to shout, but it wouldn't come out. Even as I tried to be as loud as I could, the person stayed quiet.

I felt helpless as I watched Tariga run further and further away...

.. By himself.

I was running out of breath, and so I had to huff and puff heavily through my nostrils. I easily became exhausted from moving around so much and eventually gave up, waiting for the person - who ever so rudely grabbed me - to start talking.

"You done?"


My eyes widened in realization as I recognized their voice - how it seemed to spit poison from the tip of their tongue.


"I was wondering where you were going to shut up," Touka chuckled. Keeping his hold on me, he kicked the large double door to close. He returned his attention to me, and whispered in my ear. "Now, be a good girl and don't cause any more trouble.."

The air brought shivers to my spine and I growled.

"How cute. You're like a dog. Guess you got that from my little brothers," he smirked, letting his hand uncover my mouth. Then, he dropped me on the ground.

Not expecting the surprise, I stumbled when my feet met the concrete and fell.

I got to a seating position and tucked my legs next to each other. My ruby red eyes were shadowed from the bangs on my forehead. I didn't dare to look beyond the floor in front of me.

Don't look up. Don't look up. Don't look up.

Don't look up.

I practically chanted the phrase in my head. Even as my head laid low, I still saw the pair of expensive shoes right in front of me.

"Stand up," Touka demanded.


I stayed still.

Then, two hands grabbed at the collar of my guard uniform and roughly pulled me up. Finally looking at him, I was met with his own eyes glaring back at me.

He sighed. "For a princess, you are incredibly difficult to work with. I'm just trying to make a deal."

I raised my eyebrow. "A deal? Really? What could you possibly have that I would want?"

Touka shrugged at my response. "At least you're willing to listen..."

He put me back down - gently this time - and walked towards the couch he was on previously. I didn't even realize I was following him.

He sat on the couch and looked back at me. My short figure stood a couple metres in front of him.

"So!" He began, letting his fingers trail the armrest. "Here's what I propose: I give you valuable information. You stay away from the twins."

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