NEWS!! 😱

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This was unexpected.

Hello, dear readers! I must say, I'd be very surprised if anyone was bothered to read this 😂

For the past three years, I hadn't bothered pick up this story again, and I should have probably at least mentioned that I was discontinuing the story. So, I first sincerely apologise for not addressing this to anyone asking for updates.

However... I have a little bit of an announcement!

After some careful consideration... I've decided to resume this fanfic! 🎉

I deeply regret leaving this story unfinished, and the previous chapters (I'll admit) are rather unrefined. So, I will be taking a few weeks to first edit/re-write the already published chapters, whilst simultaneously relearning my own story 😂

For the people who've read this story, thank you so so much. I was surprised every time I got notifications for comments, or readers saving this to their libraries! I wasn't expecting this to reach over 2k reads either (?????)

Editing the chapters will take while, so please be patient in the mean time! I promise I will do my best to write a story for you to enjoy! 😊💕

Lots of love,

Your local papple.




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