Before We Start.

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Hey guys, y'all know the rules.

Before we start I would like to clarify that;
1. I don't ship these two people in real life, only their Minecraft personas.

2. I don't condone shipping people in real life, believe me I know how much it can seperate two people and completely ruin their friendship.

3. This book is mainly fluff and angst with no swearing (idk, I would usually but I didn't feel like it) and there should also be no smut but if there is I will state so at the start of the chapter, though I find it very unlikely.

4. As I said there is angst, so I will be putting trigger warnings at the start of chapters that may need them.

5. I also don't have posting schedule as my writing is more for (mainly my own) fun and entertainment then anything else. In other words, if I upload, I upload, if I don't, I don't, it's just the way it is.

6. I fully support and appreciate constructive criticism, underline constructive. Being rude or disrespectful to me or people in comments is not necessary or acceptable, obviously.

Love you all,

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