Chapter 1 - What's poppin'?

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~ Who needs a man anyway?~

Brooklyn's POV - Six months later

The door to my room was dramatically thrown open, slamming into my wall from the force of one of the twins banging it open. It doesn't startle me in the slightest however. One I am exceptionally used to these two and there ways. Second, I could hear them coming down the road with their overly loud music blaring from their Jeep.

"Bitch, you wouldn't believe what just happened." Kimmy said as she stormed into my room, pushing my laptop screen closed.

"That's no way to greet her Kim. Jesus, didn't mum teach you anything?" Jess says coming in after Kim, rolling her eyes in the process.

"Who cares, she needs to know what's poppin'." Kim lays down on my bed and snatches my bowl of popcorn from my lap, and then begins to eat it. This bitch.

"Please tell me you didn't just say 'whats poppin'. Please." Jess soon follows Kim and sits down on my bed.

"What's wrong with saying it?"

"Everything Kim!"

These two never shut up, honestly. I have always wondered what it would be like to have normal friends. Ones that don't argue. That aren't related to each other. Are kind to everyone and are exceptionally respectful even to those who piss them off. A personal dream of mine is to make new friends that aren't like these two. I mean I have Aurora, but she really doesn't hang with us anymore.

It's been just over six months since Aurora and dickface started dating, and as much as I hate to admit it, they have been going pretty well. Everyone in school is surprised by this, even the douchebag clan. Connor never keeps a girl for more than two weeks before he dumps them.

After about a month of dating, Aurora slowly started to drift away from us. Started to hang around Connor more, and even Connor drifted away from his friends to spend time with Aurora. After about three months, contacting Aurora was like trying to cross the pacfic ocean on a plank of wood. Her phone was always turned off and she would always be too busy to talk during school. Six months later, Aurora wouldn't even talk to us at all.

It hurt to know that your friend left you to hang out with an incompetent piece of shit that's going to end up hurting her. I'll always be here for her, but I can't see what she sees. Maybe she sees a good person under the asshole, I however can't. It's way too hard to forgive someone like him for all he has done. Friends boyfriend or not. He still is and always will be a man-whore.
"Jesus christ, I said I was sorry for that Jess." Kim yelled as she threw popcorn at Jess. They better clean their mess, unlike last time.

Unfortunately my phone cut off both of their yelling. They turned to me and in perfect sync and gave me a nod, basically telling me to answer it. It always freaks me out how they can do that. I quickly reach over and look at the ID.

"Hey Aurora. What's up?" I say as I quickly get up off my bed and put her on speaker. For the longest time it's quiet before we hear some type of noise.

"What do you mean you didn't sleep with her Connor? I saw you two!" I hear Aurora shout from the phone. Did she mean to call us or?

"Guy's I think she butt dialed us by accident." Kim whispers to us and both Jess and I nod our heads slightly.

"Babe, someone set me up, I swear. " Connor says from wherever they are. I quickly walk over to my desk and grab my keys from my draw and walk to the door, signaling the girls to follow behind me.

"Don't you dare call me babe. We are done Connor. You hear me? Done! Now get the hell out of my house." Aurora yells. We hear heavy footsteps, most likely Aurora running up the stairs before the line goes dead.

"We better hurry up and get there now." Jess says as she and Kim file into the back seat of my car.

"Out of every one to cheat on, he had to cheat on Rora? God those dipshits need to be put in their place honestly." Kim sighs crossing her arms and leaning back against my black leather seat.

"You know, that is actually a really good idea." Jess says leaning forward, her eyes brightening up every second as she thinks about it.

"I'm not following." I say focusing on the road.

" Think about it. These boys just keep getting away with this shit. It's not fair. I heard that Stacey Crawford was Elijah's latest victim, she was sent to hospital after a panic attack from it. Us girls are just objects to these assholes and everyone refuses to do anything about it!" Jess says, raising her voice with every word.

"You have a point. I'm going to call Calla, she'll meet us up at Aurora's. We need to fix this, but first lets make sure Aurora is okay." Kim says digging her phone out from her pocket.

"I'm with you on that. Game on mother fuckers." I say turning onto Aurora's street.


What's poppin'?

Welcome to sweet revenge my little demons.
Check out my other stories while you wait for updates.

~ Elly

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