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Did you get home?

Not yet but you can come cause i'm close
Read at 17:12 

Today it was a rainy day, you are all wet. The only thing that is in your head is to go home and take a long bath but you still have to wait for Kiyoomi to arrive.
You finally enter your house. You take off your shoes and wait in the hallway for him. You didn't want to sit down because you're all wet, but with big steps, you go to the bathroom and wash your hands. You go back to the hallway, on the floor it was just water drops. You heard a powerful knock at the door, you stay for a few seconds in the same position after you opened the door. It was Kiyoomi.

"Hi, [name]-chan." he didn't look at you, he just tried to take out his clothes from his bag."If you wash the-, you still don't carry with you an umbrella?" he asked.
"In the morning, when you left, it was sunny and when i go to work it was still sunny."
"Don't get sick." he said. "Anyway, if you could wash my clothes again, i didn't wash this bag this week." he gives you his clothes.
"Yeah, sure. You want to come in?"
"Actually i go to meet with my teammates. Hopefully i'm gonna eat in a clean place."

You laugh a little and then he leaves. You close the door and you smell his clothes a little. His perfume was the same.
You're not gonna wash them as Kiyoomi said, they gonna lose his perfume.
You go to your bedroom and you put them in a clean spot in your room.
After that you go to the bathroom.


A few days passed away without even notice.
Now Kiyoomi was in front of your door waiting for you to open up. He was surprised when he saw that you wear one of his clothes but he saw your face too, and your face wasn't good looking cause now your sick.

"I told you to not get sick." he said while he enters your house.
"Sorry but i can't control the weather or my body. If he wants to be sick he gonna be sick."
"I understand that, but it's not good to be sick." he takes off his shoes. "Did you that some meds?"
"No, just my insomnia pills and i also take some hot baths."
"That's good though. Question, why do you wear my clothes." he smiled and you blush.
"I feeling comfortable with them."
"I see. Let's get you into your bed to take a nap."
"But I don't wanna."
"I'm taking care of you. Make things easier for both of us and go to your bed."

You just listen to him. You didn't what to have a dispute with him for this thing. You let him taking care of you, he was good at this because of his phobia.
After some minutes, he enters your room with a tea and some meds that probably he was having with him.

"I'm making you a soup too." he said giving you the meds.
"You don't have to, i already feel better." you said and after 3 seconds you sneeze.
"Just take the meds and rest. I'll take care of your house and you."

You take your pills knowing that if you don't take them, Kiyoomi would put them into your mouth. He always helps the people who love in this type of things, even though he's scared because he don't want to be sick.
He leaves the room after you take all your meds. You tried to sleep, as he said, but it was impossible. Your eyes won't close. When you're sick is much harder for you to fall asleep. This is one reason that you don't like being sick. It was like a challenge that you never gonna complete.
After 20 minutes, Kiyoomi appears in your room with the soup. He knew that you didn't sleep but he didn't want to say anything about this.

"Do you need anything else?"
"No, thanks for helping me, Kiyoomi."
"[name], i'm going home, i don't wanna be sick too but i'm coming tomorrow again. If you need anything call me."

He leaves the room. You didn't want him to leave you alone. But you have no choice just to let him go. You didn't want to make him feel uncomfortable staying here and being scared that he gonna get sick too. You don't have anything to do just to wait for him to return to you.

My heart asks where do you leave.

𝑴𝒚 𝒉𝒆𝒂𝒓𝒕 𝒂𝒔𝒌𝒔 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒚𝒐𝒖 [𝑺𝒂𝒌𝒖𝒔𝒂 𝑲𝒊𝒚𝒐𝒐𝒎𝒊]Where stories live. Discover now