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You wake up. You were still in Sakusa arms.

Wait, did i sleep? you thought.

You were trying to get out of Sakusa arms, but it was impossible. You look at the window, the sun was up. You're shocked, for a lot of time you tried to sleep more than an hour and when he came you sleep.
You looked at him, he was so calm, he gives you the feeling that he enjoyed staying with you even though he's sleeping.
Maybe giving him another chance it wasn't a bad idea. It's just insane who much this person means to you. Your heart beats faster, you never stop loving him you just didn't want to show it. You gonna make his second chance like a challenge because it isn't easy to make a puzzle if you don't have all the pieces.
He slowly opens his eyes looking around. After that he turn his eyes to you, analyzing everything about you. You change to, your hair grows up, your face is a little skinnier, also your body changes a lot.

"Good morning, [name]" he yawned.
"Good morning, Sakusa-san."
"I already tell you that you don't have to be formal with me." he said letting you and getting up. "So you sleep, huh."
"Yes, i think so. What's a clock?"
he took his phone "1 pm, guess we sleep too much." he laughed.

You missed these moments. After all, you finally sleep for more than an hour. Now you have two reasons to be happy about it.

"You're hungry?" you asked.
"Now no but over 20 minutes i will be."

You go with him to the kitchen and started looking into the refrigerator for some food. You find a pizza. You put it into the cookstove and wait.

"So, in all this time did you have a boyfriend?" he asks.
"No, i wasn't feeling like i should get one. How about you?"
"Just one. I stayed with her 2 days, one of my teammates introduce her to me."
"Let me guess, she didn't like that you are germaphobic."
"That was just a reason, she wanted to be famous, to be with the best volleyball player is a thing."
"I didn't know that you were the best. I didn't watch volleyball after we broke up."
"That much you hate me?"
"I didn't say that i hate you, i just didn't want to hear something about volleyball for some time."
"If you don't hate me then you love me?" he winks.
you blush "I think the pizza is ready."

You check the pizza and it was true the pizza was ready. You take it out and put it on the table in front of him.
You remember when you always make him lunch because he was too lazy to make it by himself, but you didn't mind. You still like to take care of him. You wait a little before you cut it.

"Should we watch a movie?" he asks. "But not a horror one."
"You still don't like horror movies? You didn't change at all."

He takes the pizza and goes on the couch. He puts the pizza on the little table that was in front of him. You site next to him and started searching for a movie.

"Why did you give me another chance?" he asks taking a bite of a slice.
"I guess i loved you too much, maybe i still love you but i'm not sure about it or i just missed you."
"I still don't understand. I caused your insomnia, you cry for me, you do a lot of things for me but the only thing that i did to you is to break up with you."
"Don't say that. I still have a lot of memories with you."

He was hitting his limit so hard.

"Kiyoomi, if you want you can cry, i'm not gonna tell anybody about it."

He instantly hugged you and start crying. He wasn't crying often and he doesn't cry a lot but sometimes he needs a little break from anything and just to stay there calming down.

"I'm sorry, [name]."

You pat his head and stay quiet. You don't like to see him like that but you have to wait until he's calm.

My heart asks how much did you suffer for me.

𝑴𝒚 𝒉𝒆𝒂𝒓𝒕 𝒂𝒔𝒌𝒔 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒚𝒐𝒖 [𝑺𝒂𝒌𝒖𝒔𝒂 𝑲𝒊𝒚𝒐𝒐𝒎𝒊]Where stories live. Discover now