kb ✦ only hue

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You are a very well-known YouTuber due to putting up interesting content regularly such as travel vlogs, hauls, and tutorials to all sorts of things. It all started only as a hobby but you were shocked that it had led you to get recognition as well. While deciding what kind of video to do next, you clicked on your latest video and skimmed through its comment section. You then come across a comment which had a lot of likes:

"can u please make a vid with your boyfriend? specifically, 'doing my boyfriend's makeup' challenge? we wanna see u guys interacting up close together! <3"

Upon reading the comment, you realized how much your subscribers have been asking for a video of you and your boyfriend for quite some time already. Maybe it was because he would only appear in your videos randomly in the background, thus stirring the watchers' curiosity as to why it is kept that way.

The thing is, your boyfriend is not just any other ordinary guy. Your boyfriend is the famous Shin Kyubin of OnlyOneOf. Even though your relationship with him has been publicized, you weren't sure of the idea of him appearing on your channel. Not that you were ashamed to be seen with him, but during the time the news about the two of you spread, it's a given fact that haters have to come along.

The news, of course, spread quickly like wildfire as you didn't cope with the matter well at first. It caused a lot of tears and triggered insecurities hidden inside of you, but Kyubin didn't care about what people think of your relationship and promised never to let you go even if it means risking it all, especially his career.

As you heaved up a sigh, you thought for a while as you nodded to yourself and gave it a go. You quickly dialed Kyubin's number and he surprisingly picked up in a matter of seconds.

"Baby? What's up?" his voice rang through the phone. You smiled and replied, "Sorry for bothering you, you're practicing right now, aren't you?" You heard him giggle through the line as he said, "Nope. I'm actually heading there right now. We finished early and our manager let us off," he sounded lively which made you reply, "Perfect! I'll see you in a few!" You then said your goodbyes and hung up.

You are currently sitting on the sofa when suddenly the door burst open revealing the person you've been anticipating. You jolt up from your spot as you hugged him tightly with him returning the action.

"I missed you so much," you mumbled into his chest. "I missed you more," Kyubin says as you giggle. You then pull away from the hug and held onto his hand. "So uh baby," you started. "I know this might sound crazy to you but.. will you make a video with me?" You both walk upstairs to your bedroom as he replied, "For real? I thought you weren't comfortable with that idea?"

You both sat on your bed as you said, "I'm serious. My fans have been asking for a while now and I guess I'm now ready to show us to the whole world." He smiled at you and placed a gentle kiss on your forehead.

"If you're really comfortable and positively sure with this, then okay, but I'm not forcing you to," Kyubin says with a hint of sincerity. "I've thought this through enough and made up my mind. So, can you please just agree already?" you exclaimed while making puppy eyes, causing him to smile.

"I'm more than happy to. Let's do it!"

You carefully adjusted the camera and pressed the record button. You then started off with your usual intro and proceeded to the exciting portion. "Today's video is quite anticipated by a lot of you. So without further ado, meet our special guest; my boyfriend!" you then pointed to your right as Kyubin jumped into the video frame and sat down next to you. "Hello everyone, I'm KB of OnlyOneOf! It's great to finally be here," he laughs as you do too.

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