Chapter 2

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"Are you stalking me or something?" Joked Misty. Ash and Dawn had headed back to their compartment, and introduced Dawn to Gary and Misty.

"Oh shut up, Misty." Gary said. "She fantasizes that everyone stalks her." Upon hearing that, Misty playfully hit him.

"Oww!" He sarcastically said. "Back in school, we'd fight over who got to sit next to you, Dawn. Whoever won was guaranteed to ace a test. So thanks, dawn, for letting Misty and me pass our tests!"

"Here, have a sandwhich." Misty said, handing Dawn a sandwhich.


The day before Ash left on the trek, he went to a party with his friends, and came home pretty late. He saw his dad in the living room, waiting for him.

"Dad, you should really sleep early instead of waiting for me." Ash said.

"If I do, when will I see you? Tomorrow your going to that trek in Zima." His dad replied.

"Yeah so? did you know?"" Ash asked. His dad pulled out the trek brochure and read

"Trekking expedition to Khipshi Pass, 16,000 feet above sea level, highly daunting and high octane adventure."

"Dad, why do you go to my room and read my things? They're my personal stuff." said an annoyed Ash.

"Ash, don't shout." The two looked and saw Delia, Ash's step-mom. His real mom died of HIV when he was eleven, and although Delia was nice to him, Ash hated her. And her sherbert.

"Hello stepmom." He said in a monotone voice.

"You said you're going to Ohana City, not Zima." Delia said, pouring him a glass of sherbert. Ash drank it, but put it down.

"Your sherbert is still terrible." He said. "Also, this trek is between me and my friends, so please stay out of it, ."

Ash was brought back to reality when someone said

"Hey, guys. Do you have a knife I can borrow?" The four turned and saw a tall, pretty girl. She had elbow-length honey-blonde hair and round blue eyes. She wore a short white top and pink jean shorts.

"Knife? I have one! Just one second..." said the flirtatious Gary as he dug around looking for a knife.

"We don't have one. Sorry, you can go now." said a jealous Misty.

"Oh." The girl pouted, picking up her orange. "I should've brought bananas." She turned to leave, when Ash came in front of her.

"I've got a knife." He said.

"Can I borrow it?" She asked.

"What'll you give me in return?" Ash asked.

"What do you want me to give?"

"Your name."

"It's Serena." said Serena.

"I'm Ash." he said.

"Hi, i'm Gary." Gary said, reaching out his hand for a handshake.

"Hey, nice to meet you!" She said. "Is it okay if me and my friends stay here, with you?"

"Of course! We have plenty of space!" said Ash and Gary, the flirts, at the same time.

A couple hours later...

It was night, and Serena and her friends, Soledad and Shauna, were all settled in Ash's compartment. Ash and Serena were flirting whereas Gary was doing the same with Soledad and Shauna.

"Guys, we should play my favorite game; I Never!" said Serena. "If you don't know how to play, here's how: Somebody says 'I Never...' something. It has to be something you have done. If the other players have done ti, then...they have to take a sip of thier drink. The first person with no drink left wins! Gary, do you have some booze or something?"

"Of course! I have enough for everyone." Gary said. He took out some cups and poured some drinks in it, and handed it to everyone. "Here you go, Dawn." he said.

"No thanks. You guys play." She said.

"Now that you're here, you have to play." Ash said.

"Actually, I don't drink alcohol." Dawn replied.

"What!?" screamed Serena, Soledad and Shauna.

"Here. Your cup can have water instead." Gary said, handing her cup of water.

"Okay, i'll start." said Shauna. "Um...I've never fell in love?" Everybody, except Dawn, took a sip of thier drink.

"I've never...watched a R rated movie." said Misty. Again, everybody but Dawn took a sip of thier drink.

"I've...never been arrested." said Serena. Everybody, except for Dawn, took a sip.

"For drunk driving." said Gary.

"Beating up a security guard." said Misty.

"Rave party." was Soledad's answer.

"And I was there!" said Shauna.

"Peeing on the road." said Ash, causing everyone to laugh. "What about you, Dawn?" he asked.

"I haven't gotten arrested." She replied.

"My turn! I haven't dated anyone." said Shauna. Everybody drank out of the cup, except for Dawn.

"I'm going to go sleep." She said.

"Not yet! It's your turn!" insisted Gary.

"No, please." Dawn looked at Ash. "Is it okay if I take the first turn?" (A/N Since she joined the trek at last minute, she and Ash have to take turns sleeping on his berth)

"Of course." He replied.

"Thanks." Dawn said.

She went to the berth, wondering why everybody had fun...everybody except her.

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