Chapter 6 Part 2:The Rescue

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Heres part 2 Hope you Like it :)
The next Day
Somewhere In The Ocean
Belfast Was Being Held Prisoner In A Siren Ship


Observer:Alright...Take Off Her Blindfold

Tester:*Takes The Blindfold Off Belfast*

Observer:Why Hello...HMS Belfast

Belfast:What do you want...Siren

Observer:Oh Please...Call Me Observer And My Friend Over Here Is Tester

Belfast:I Dont Give A Care In The World About your Name..

Tester:Such A Rebellious Nature For A Maid

Belfast:I May Be A Maid,But I Am Still A Fighting Ship On The Sea

Observer:Hehehehe...Now Tester...Lets Continue With Our Plans...Test Our Little Maid Friend Here... I'll Send Out A Fake Distress Signal


As Observer Exited the Room And Door Closed
Belfast's Screams Of Pain was Heard

Meanwhile At Azur Base


She Rushes Over To The Office Only To See
Y/N Lying Down On the Desk Being Depressed

Y/N: She's Gone....And Its My Fault

Edinburgh:Sir You Must Hear this

Y/N:No...I Dont Have to Hear anything Anymore

Edinburgh:....Hey Sir Just Listen...We Recieved A Distress Signal

Y/N:*Looks Up At Her*From who?

Edinburgh:From Belfast

Y/N:What!?...From Where?

Edinburgh:16 Miles North Of The Base


Edinburgh:I Told Everyone On The Way Here.... We're Awaiting your Command



Y/N:Prepare To Move Out

Edinburgh:Roger!! *Heads Out*

Y/N:Hmmmm.... There's No Guarantee Belfast Sent That...It Must Be The Siren's Doing....... We're Gonna Be Facing A Heavy Resistance....I Must Think Of A Good Formation Of Attack

An Hour Later

Y/N:Alright..Is Everyone Ready...

Everyone: Yes!!

Y/N:Wales...Hood...Warspite..You Know What to Di Later

Wales: Yes Sir

Hood:Leave it To Us Sir

Warspite:I Am The Sword Of Royal Navy..I Will Not Let This Atrocity Go By

Y/N:*Nods*..Alright....Row Out!

They All Head Out to The Given Source

Meanwhile At A Siren Ship

Observer:*Enters thr Room*Tester...Theyre Coming


Observer: She's Passed out Has She?

Tester:Yes..I Think Hitting Her With Whips Was Still Not Enough

The Ever Faithful MaidOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora