Start from the beginning

He cleared his throat and that sound alone broke the spell.

“Lizzie, I love you!” He lounged forward across the table, catching both her hands in his. He pressed them hard and repeated “I love you”, as if to make sure she understood him.

“I know,” she whispered. “I love you too.” That was barely audible but she knew he heard her because a sudden smile illuminated his face. It was strange – how many times had they made love to each other and yet, never used that phrase ‘I love you’? Lizzie felt like she was walking on a cloud. She barely heard what he was saying, something about not wanting ‘this to stand between us’.

He sounded vehement. “Not ever, not now, not later. There was no way I could inherit Emma’s money without accepting her place in the Age Prevention Program. The two go together.”

“You asked?” She was surprised. That sort of question would never have occurred to her.

He nodded. “I did. I talked to the APP attorney. I insisted he explain it to me. There’s no way out. Believe me, I wanted us to age together, that’s all I have ever wanted.”

“How romantic!” She smiled at him. “But now you’re rich. We can get married right away.” Then it was her turn to flush. She feared she sounded a little boorish, so middle-class. Had she stepped beyond the acceptable? She knew marriage should be proposed by the man. And it was inevitably delayed by their so-called ‘strained economic circumstances’, as the standard phrase went whenever a journalist talked about struggling young 99Percenters. She had better correct that impression.

“I don’t mean marriage,” she said. “We can live together, we can be life partners. That’s what everybody does, right?”

Jamie nodded. She added with a big smile, “At last, I can leave my Mom’s house.”

Jamie laughed. “Lizzie, you’ll never change, will you? You’re spot on. Of course, we can live together as partners or get married, whichever you prefer.”

Her smile was radiant. “We’ll be able to afford the best home and the best schools for our children.” She stopped and turned red. “I mean when the time comes! We can all join my golf club too.”

“Your dear exclusive golf club, of course the whole family will join. But I don’t play golf. You know I don’t like the game. I’m sorry but that’s one thing I can’t share with you.” He grinned. “Nobody’s perfect.”

She blew a kiss at him across the table and he moved around and sat down next to her, taking her into his arms. They embraced and for a long moment, they no longer knew where they were. Lizzie was like a little girl in his arms. She made him feel strong. And to think she could hit a drive longer than most men and almost any female champion on this planet. Jamie was proud of her.

They were interrupted by a harsh sound above their heads, a loud clearing of the throat. They drew away from each other, stunned.

A fat waitress stood immobile in front of them, e-pad in hand. “Would you like to order something, Miss?” The voice was studiously neutral, but you could detect a tone of disapproval. Kissing was not something 99Percenters were allowed to do in public. Kissing should take place in love-relax rooms. The trouble was that love-relax rooms were only found in expensive restaurants frequented by ‘forevers’ – not here in a Caltech student cafeteria. Too bad.

Lizzie was annoyed. She hated to be caught in public doing something she shouldn’t.

Jamie stood up and took a step as if he intended to go back to his seat on the other side of the table. “Another two latte, thank you,” he said in a cool voice. When the waitress was gone, he sat close to Lizzie again, wrapping his arm around her shoulders. He whispered in her ear, “Your turn.”

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