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Anyone notice the new cover? Do you love it or hate it?


The staff room was supposed to be an escape from the noisy echoes of the hallway, and the stampede of pestering students, a place where she could focus on her work without any distractions. Yet here she stood, before a collection of her colleagues - all with coffee clasped in their hands - chattering away at a volume she thought only a teenager was capable of.

One of them finally clocked onto her arrival, a spark of excitement twinkled in her eye. She was an average woman, beady eyes, long nose and around ten years older than Cheryl herself.

"Oh, Cheryl, darling!" That was her usual greeting from most of the women in the college. "You must hear the gossip Ashley has for us today."

A couple of the women huddled together made room for the curious redhead, for whatever reason, she had a feeling she wouldn't like what she heard. A lengthy woman with a short auburn haircut found her brown eyes, a large grin smeared across her face as she smoothed down her unflattering dress.

"The staff toilets on my floor were out of use yesterday, so I stumbled upon the students toilets instead, and you'll never guess what I found," The woman spoke with such formality, she could instantly tell the woman was rich.

The gathering of women surrounding her broke out in a fit of giggles, although Cheryl couldn't figure out why. They sounded like children in a playground. The young professor waited in anticipation for the woman to continue, eager to find out what everyone else knew.

"Our star student, Miss Donna Sweet with her blouse undone, breasts out for all to see and an arrogant pink haired girl stood smugly beside her." She finished with a knowing look, enjoying the attention settled on her in that moment. "I think we can all piece together what they were doing."

A short, rather chubby woman beside her let out a sound of disgust, "In the toilets of all places, if that girl contracts a disease it will cease to surprise me."

"Well, you know what they say - kids will be kids." Another chimed in, and before Cheryl could stop herself she let out a loud scoff. The eyes of all five women falling onto her.

The sudden rush of blood to her cheeks told her, her pale skin was already painted red. "Not all kids have sex in public bathrooms, clearly they couldn't wait until after college hours."

Cheryl's words came out more bitter than intended, not managing to swallow the distaste she felt about Toni with another girl. A dark haired woman across from her nodded in agreement, before they returned to gossiping amongst themselves.

Ever since the day she'd ventured into the locker room discovering the brunette; the sight of her in nothing but a towel and water running down her body was seared into her mind.

It was undeniable that Toni was attractive - her caramel skin clashed perfectly with the soft pink ends of her hair, the way her brown eyes held such intensity and fire, yet there were times where they were soft and longing, how her figure curved in all the right places. Just thinking of her sent a pulse between her legs.

Most days, Cheryl couldn't help but find herself searching for a glimpse of pink hair in a crowd of students.

It terrified her, the thought of being so drawn to someone after all the years she'd spent with Heather. Part of her knew it was wrong to be looking at another woman with such intrigue, but she couldn't help herself.

𝐔𝐧𝐬𝐩𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐧 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐬 ➶ 𝐂𝐡𝐨𝐧𝐢Where stories live. Discover now