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You and Seungmin are laying down side-by-side now on the blanket that you had spread when you first came to the park, with your original clothes on. The water gun fight that you had earlier was indeed intense, and you both needed some time to rest. Strange as it sounds, you actually got over the moment from earlier, and you were just carrying on as usual.

You two were both watching videos, but for some reason the conversation topic kept on switching back to the previous water gun battle.

"Isn't it funny how you thought you could beat me?" You boast. "I told you you were gonna get your butt whooped by me."

No answer.

"Seungmin?" You call, looking around. You spot him by your container of tamagoyaki, eating yet another. "Seungmin!" You gasp, snatching the container. "That's for the others, you greedy snail!"

"I'm sorry," he says smiling sheepishly. "I couldn't help myself! You're such an awesome cook, and they're so good!~"

You can't help grinning at him. He's just so cute when he's apologizing. "I'm keeping this with me for now," you say.

He hangs his head and sits back next to you.

"You know, eating too much eggs isn't good for you. Sooner or later, you're going to turn into an egg yourself," you joke. "I'll end up eating you."

"Just don't eat my face first," he says.

"How come?"

"You have to save the best part for last!"

You both joke around with each other some more, but all of a sudden he brings up a topic that catches you by surprise.

"Do you ever plan on dating someone one day?" He asks. It's pretty sudden, but you don't mind talking about it with him.

"Hmm... I wouldn't really mind starting now, but I'm kind of waiting so I can, you know, focus on schoolwork. But I still wouldn't mind," you say.

He nods understandingly. "Yeah, me too. I've found the perfect person, but I don't know how to show my feelings. We've known each other for quite a while now, pretty much 3 years! And I've liked her ever since I met her."

You instantly know who he's talking about, and that makes you completely sure of your feelings now. That's enough denying it. Everyone was right. You really do like Seungmin.

"Are you close with this person?" You ask.

He nods again. "Super close."

You sigh. "Don't worry, you'll find a way," you say reassuringly. "I've found someone too."

"Really?" He says, a hint of sadness in his voice, like he's afraid of what you're gonna say.

"Yep. It took me a really long time to realize my feelings for him despite all the little signs. But now I'm sure that I really do love him."

He smiles a faraway smile. "Well, at least now you know."

"I have an idea. How about on the count of three, we both say who we like?" You suggest. This is the last bit of courage you have. At first he looks pretty uneasy about the idea, but then he eases up and he relaxes.

"Okay. It'll be better to get it out. Less secrets between us, you know?" He nods.

"Yeah. Ready?"

"I think so."




"It's really y—" he starts, but you've already gently pressed your lips on him, in a little kiss. It's not anything mature, just a bit of an elongated peck. When you finally pull away, your face—and his—are the colour of fresh, ripe cherries.

"It's you, Seungmin. It's always been you. It took me 3 years to figure it out, but I'm glad I did in the end," you say. It feels great to get that off your shoulders. He smiles looking embarrassed.

"So you really were the right one after all," he says. You embrace him and stay that way for a while, enjoying the warmth of his body enveloping yours.

"I guess you were the right one too."


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