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"Mmm, these are so good! You're an awesome cook, Hwa-young!~" Seungmin says happily, after swallowing yet another bite of tamagoyaki.

You giggle. Earlier, you had made another batch of the snack for Seungmin's other friends (Seungmin would probably steal theirs though), but you just put it in the same exact container since you'd only brought one to class and it was quite large.

"Thanks," you grin.

"I'm going to send a picture to the others to make them jealous... they don't know what they're missing right now! Do you want to be in the picture too?" He asks cutely.

"Sure," you smile.

You both sit next to each other and get ready to take a selca with the tamagoyaki. "Ready? One, two, three! Say egg!" You both do cute grins and at the last moment, you give him bunny ears.

He checks over the photo to make sure it was taken properly (and doesn't notice the bunny ears!!), and sends it to the group chat he and his friends were in.

"I'll be right back," Seungmin says, setting his phone down.

"Where are you going?"

He smirks. "I'm going to change, and give you space to do it too. You didn't think I forgot about our water gun fight, did you?" And with that, he was off going to who knows where.

You take advantage of the situation and take off your clothes. You had already prepared for this beforehand as you knew he was going to say yes, and you had wore your bathing suit under.

Just seconds after you're done, his phone buzzes. It's right-side-up, and you can clearly see the texts. They're coming from the group chat that he sent the photo to.

naturalcurlyhair: ouuu that must taste good

dramallama: ofc it's gonna taste good bc Hwa-young made it☺️

You smile at that text. Seungmin's friends always love to eat anything you cook.

therealquokka: isn't she Snail's gf?🤔

You cringe. Was that really what they thought?

tiny: yeah I think so

yeetusthefetus: yo guys who ate all the gummy bears?! That was my secret stash🤬

kingofthighs: shut up this why you don't have a gf

dramallama: anyway do you guys notice the way he stares into her eyes?

You furrow your eyebrows. Since when?

naturalcurlyhair: or the way he stares into space dreamily when he talks about her

tiny: come to think about it one time I saw him laying down on his bed looking at his phone and smiling in the middle of the night. I thought he was watching mukbang and I tried to watch too but he pulled his phone away and said it was something else

therealquokka: he's always looking at pics of her😏

kingofthighs: so he can look at pictures of girls but he can't make his own food? Fine, we'll see who gives him spaghetti tomorrow😒



You laugh, relieved to see the subject has changed. You look up and see Seungmin walking towards you, and you act like you aren't doing anything.

"We're both changed, awesome!" He says. He's wearing blue shorts and a grey shirt with paint stains on it.

"Aren't you going to get your shirt dirty if you wear it?" You ask.

He smirks. "Why? Should I take it off, then?"

You blush at the thought of Seungmin with no shirt on. What is wrong with me?!

"I didn't mean it like that," you say quickly hoping your tomato face isn't that red.

He laughs. "I know, I was just teasing you. Besides this is an old shirt, so it doesn't really matter to me if it gets all wet," he shrugs.

"Oh okay, just making sure."

"Okay, should we start?"


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