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"You like him, don't you?" Your friend Yang Misun asks you suspiciously while beating an egg in a medium bowl with a fork.

You're making the tamagoyaki in class with your seat partner and really good friend Yang Misun. You both just started and after deciding that your egg had been beat enough, you started adding the other ingredients to your egg mix.

"Ugh, how many times do I have to tell you one thing?! We're just friends, Misun. Nothing more, nothing less," you reply annoyed.

Misun rolls her eyes. "Famous last words."

As you take the soy sauce off the table and put it in your egg mixture, you start aggressively beating the egg as a result of your annoyance. Misun was wrong. You and Seungmin were only friends. Sure, sometimes he was really cute and made you feel a certain way around him, but that didn't mean that you liked each other as more than friends.

"Hwa-young is in denial... she knows she loves Seungminnnnnnnnn, her feelings are so tidal, turning just for himmmmmmmm," Misun sings in English. She must've chose English because she knows that not a lot of people in our class know how to speak it. Yet there's always those few people who do, and they turn their heads in your direction with an amused look on their faces.

"Shut up," you say through gritted teeth.

"Make me."

A couple of people are asking their friends to translate, and now they know exactly what Misun is saying. She even has the nerve to sing louder: "Hwa-young is in denial... she knows she loves—"

You cut her off by quickly covering her mouth before more people hear. You're not sure if Ms. Seo can even speak English, but better safe than sorry, right? Unfortunately, you're not too careful at where you put your arms, and you almost end up knocking over the bowl that the eggs are in.

"Disrupting the class!" Ms. Seo tuts, noticing the commotion. "Do I have to separate you two?"

You quickly take your hand off of Misun's mouth and you both bow apologetically. "Sorry Ms. Seo, it won't happen again."

"It better not," Ms. Seo glares, before turning to assist a student.

"You idiot!" You hiss, lightly smacking Misun's head in annoyance.

"I was just joking!"

"Sometimes you need to know when the joke is being taken too far."

Sometime after, class finishes and you both emerge with your own bowls of tamagoyaki. "Do you want to come over later? I bought a bunch of new DVD's and we can have a movie marathon!" Misun suggests.

"Nice try, but I already know what that's gonna turn into. You're gonna end up wanting to cuddle 24/7 and you won't give me any space to breathe. Besides I already have plans with Seungmin, and you have a test to study for tonight," you say matter-of-factly.

"Boo... you never have any time to be with me anymore. It's always Seungmin this Seungmin that," Misun complains.

"Leave me alone, Misun. You need to study."

"And you're always so cold too... but don't worry! Your beloved Misun is always there for you when disaster strikes, Hwa-young." She manages to give you a small hug despite the huge container you're holding, and you have to admit, you have been just a little mean with her lately.

"Tell me when you marry Seungmin, so I can help you plan your honeymoon!" She calls, skipping off.

And, just like that, the feelings of sympathy are gone.

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