"Heyyy Ari, you look beautiful today." Mikey walked up behind us and greeted Ariana with a hug. "Oh, and you too, Njomza."

I did not like the way he was looking at my girlfriend as if she were his  girlfriend. I wanted to snap at him, but then everyone would hear, so I just stood back and glared at him.

"Would you like a drink?" He led me and Ari to the bar.

"Do you have champagne?"

"Yes, obviously," We turned our heads to the shelf that he was pointing at. It was stocked with alcohol of all kinds and brands. "Help yourselves."

He left us to go greet the other guests, and I sat down on a sofa beside Ariana.

"I'll pass on the alcohol. One of us needs to drive." I told her.

"Sheesh N. Come have some fun, we can just stay overnight or something."

"Hmm maybe,"

"Come onnn."

"Alright alright." I finally gave in and got myself some champagne. Looking around, I recognized a few familiar faces. Tayla, Victoria, Doug, and-

"Omza! Holy shit I haven't seen you in so long," 

Who the fuck-

I turned my head and saw a short blonde girl in a black dress holding a glass of wine. I shuffled through my memory, trying to remember where I saw her before. Suddenly, it struck me where I've met this girl before.

Kianna. My best friend in sophomore year. How could I have forgotten her? We were practically inseparable until I started getting more serious about music and we went our separate ways in life (she was more interested in maths, so we had less and less classes together). 

"Oh my god Kianna! What are you doing here?" 

"Uhhh partying, of course."

"No, I mean, how do you know Mikey and Scootie?"

"I dated him for a while back in 2013. It eventually ended in a break up, but you know what, we're still on pretty good terms. Anyways, I heard you're a pop star now." She grinned and took a sip of wine. "Wow, that's pretty damn impressive. I was best friends with a pop star."

"Aww thanks. But you should see my friend Ariana. Her vocals are fucking insane."

"Ariana Grande? Yeah, I know. She be snatchin' my wig every time I hear her voice."

We talked through the night, catching up with each other's lives and cracking jokes, just like how we used to do in high school. It wasn't until people started flowing out the door that I realized how late it was.

Shit. I should go check on Ariana.

"Umm sorry, but I have to go now. It was nice talking to you." I quickly excused myself as Kianna was describing a threesome she had with these guys the other day.

I ran back to the front hallway and looked around for my girlfriend. There were barely anyone left in the room, so Ari should be easy to spot. I turned a corner and heard her voice coming from the living room, saying something I couldn't quite make out. 

"Ariana, we shoul-" I cut off abruptly as I reached the living room. The sight before me had me speechless. 

MY girlfriend was sitting on MIKEY'S lap, kissing him like how she kisses me. His arms around her waist and her hands on his. I felt sick to my stomach. Everything was spinning. I couldn't form a single word. 

"Ari- I-"

Ariana looked up with alarm and noticed my presence. She stared at me, and then at Mikey. Then she seemed to come to her senses.

"Holy fuck Njomza I'm so sorry. I fucked up I fucked up oh my god what is happening," Her words were slurred as she jumped off of Mikey and ran towards me. She tried to take my hands but I backed away from her. "Fuck I'm so drunk." 

Mikey's eyes were wide in dismay. "Why didn't you tell me-"

I shook my head in anger and grief, then slowly walked out the room. I heard Ariana trying to follow me, and I picked up my pace. The bathroom was ahead of me, so I raced into it and locked the door. Moments later, pounds shook the door, followed by Ari calling my name. I ignored her, covering my ears with my hands. 

Several minutes passed before the knocks stopped, and I closed my eyes, hoping that tonight was all a dream that'll be nothing more than a memory tomorrow.

Several minutes passed before the knocks stopped, and I closed my eyes, hoping that tonight was all a dream that'll be nothing more than a memory tomorrow

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sorry for the extremely long wait. lets hope that wont happen again.

also im pretty sure njomza and ariana arent friends anymore, but i'll try to finish this ff :((

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