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The first thing I felt when I woke up was a pounding headache. I wasn't feeling the best yesterday either, but it wasn't as bad as this. A sudden wave of sickness pulsed through me, making me retch over the side of the bed. Nothing came out, but I still felt dizzy and lightheaded.

I tried to stand up, but my legs felt like sphagetti, weak and useless. I collapsed to the hard wood floor, hitting my head on my nightstand on the way.

"Njomza," I called out weakly, hoping she'd hear me. 

No response.

"Njomza!" I gathered up all my remaining energy and shouted, my throat hoarse.

I heard the stomp of her footsteps as Njomza rushed to my room. She let out a gasp when she saw me on the ground, and knelt beside me. 

"Ariana! What the fuck happened?!" She cried, shaking me gently. 

"I'm..not...feeling...well..." My eyelids were starting to droop, and I felt like I was about to pass out.

Njomza put her hand on my forehead, and a look of alarm appeared on her face. 

"Your forehead is burning. You have a fever." She slid her arms under me and lifted me back on my bed, then hurried out the room. She returned moments later with a thermometer and a glass of water. I feebly open my mouth, and she tucked the thermometer under my tongue. Sitting down beside me, she ran her fingers through my hair and lightly rubbed my forehead.

I felt really bad for snapping at her yesterday. She didn't do anything wrong. I just felt tired and a little sick, but I thought that it was because of the alcohol I drank the night before. I needed to apologize to her.

"I'm sorry," I said as she took the thermometer out of my mouth.

"For what?" She raised her eyebrow, occupied with reading the thermometer. "40°C. Here, drink some water." She handed the glass of water to me.

"For yesterday. For everything. I'm so sorry Njomza. I shouldn't be annoyed with you just because I wasn't feeling well." I accepted the water with a shaky hand, sitting up a little, and brought it to my parched lips.

"Oh. It's fine. No big deal." 

"If I ever hurt you by accident, please tell me." I gulped down some water and handed the glass back to Njomza, who set it down on the nightstand. Feeling a little better, I lay down and closed my eyes. Njomza also lay down beside me and cuddled me, her breath tickling my neck. I felt warm(the comfortable type of warm, not the fever kind of warm)and loved, with Njomza taking care of me despite my behavior yesterday.

Sighing contently, I fell into a dreamless, deep sleep.


Once I made sure that Ariana was asleep, I went down to the kitchen to make breakfast. Courtney and Aaron were already there, Courtney on her phone, and Aaron reading a book.

"Yo lazy ass, get up and help me make breakfast." I poked Courtney sharply in the ribs, and she let out a cry in surprise. Rolling her eyes, she put her phone in her pocket and marched over to the fridge.

"Ariana is sick," I told her. "Really sick. She can't get out of bed." 

Courtney turned around and looked at me with concern.

"Hold on, Imma go check on her." She slams the fridge door shut and runs upstairs to check on Ari.

"UGH. So no one is gonna help me make breakfast?" I groan and take out some bread from the fridge.

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