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I had fallen asleep on the couch in Ariana's room. I had been busy taking care of Ariana for the entirety of yesterday, helping her up to go to the washroom, emptying the barf bucket, bringing her water and medicine, only taking a break to eat lunch and dinner.

Something touched my shoulder, and I twisted my neck around and saw Ariana standing behind the couch, an adorable grin on her face.

"You feelin' better?" I pulled her into my lap as she came around to the open side of the couch. She put an arm around me and kissed my neck, then answered my question.


I felt her forehead with the back of my hand. It was cool.

"Seems like your fever has gone down completely. What do you want to do today?" Toulouse ran up to me and Ariana, wagging his tail excitedly, and I pat his head.

"You decide. I just want to be with you."

That was kinda unexpected. I'd thought that she'd want to go right to the studio.

"Wanna stay home and watch a movie? You should still take a break, even if you're better now." I picked her up and put her down beside me, grabbing the TV remote on the table.

"Horror?" Ariana asked hopefully.

"Sure," Horror movies weren't my favourite, but anything for Ariana.

"Hold on, imma get us some food." She hopped off the couch and started towards the door.

"It's alright, I'll get it." I started to stand up too, but Ariana caught me by the arm and dragged me back onto the couch.

"Nuh uh, you took care of me yesterday, so it's my turn now." She insisted, and I can tell by the look on her face that there was no arguing with her. I leaned back against the couch and switched on the TV as Ariana rushed out the room.

A few minutes later, Ariana came back with a tray of popcorn, fruits, and toast. The beginning of "The Ring", the movie I had chosen for us, was playing. She snuggled up to me and covered us with a fleece blanket. I stroked her hair and she buried her face in my neck, purring softly.

We watched the movie with our bodies pressed close together, occasionally reaching forwards to grab a handful of popcorn or fruits. It couldn't have been more relaxing(except for the fact that we were watching a horror movie).

"Wanna watch another movie?" I asked her when the movie ended. She yawned and stretched out her arms, then wrapped them around me.

"If you want to," She shrugged and I reached for the TV remote, but before I could start another movie, Ariana pulled the remote out of my hand and threw it on the ground. "Hold on, I need to say something." She said before I can protest.

"A-alright, go ahead." A feeling of apprehensiveness creeped up on me. What does she possibly have to say?

"No, nothing bad happened." Ariana quickly added as she saw my uneasy expression. "But umm I've been meaning to ask you this for a while..." She trailed off, taking a deep breath. I could tell that she was nervous by the way she fidgeted with the hem of her sleeve.

"Baby, I won't judge you, I promise." I looked her in the eye and took her hand, brushing my thumb across her knuckles.

With a long sigh, Ariana continued.

"Well uhh I wasn't sure if I wanted to tell you, but then these few days...I just...realized that I wanted this and..."

I didn't get what she was trying to say, but I listened attentively nonetheless.

"And umm..." She buried her face in her hands for a second in embarrassment. Then, a burst of energy and confidence seemed to have came to her, and she lifted her head and stared into my eyes so intently that I felt like she was staring into my soul. "Njomza I just really really like you and so I wanted to ask you..."

I knew what she was about to say before the words left her mouth.

"Will you be my girlfriend?"

Even though I knew that the question was coming, it still caught me off guard. I opened my mouth, but my vocal chords couldn't function to form a word. 

"You don't have to if you don't want to, but I just thought that you might want to because the other night..." Ariana looked disappointed that I didn't say yes immediately, and she looked away from me at the ground.

"Ariana Grande-Butera," I finally found my voice. "Are you shitting me? Of course I would love to be your girlfriend!"

Her eyes lit up like a lamp in a dark room, and I knew that I made the right choice. This gorgeous italian brunette sitting beside me, Ariana fucking Grande, was my girlfriend now. I felt like I was in a dream and I silently prayed that I wasn't.

Her smile was wider than I've ever seen it be and she grabbed my face and kissed me, with even more passion than when we kissed that night in bed. I wrapped my legs around her waist and she ran her fingers through my hair, rubbing circles on my scalp. Pleasure and happiness exploded inside of me and I pushed her down into a lying position, my legs still straddling her hips.

After we pulled away from the kiss, I rested my head against her chest, feeling my heartbeat adjusting to beat in time with hers. She gazed at me, her eyes filled with adoration and pride, all for me. No one has ever looked at me that way. I smiled and planted little kisses all over her breasts and she grabbed my ass, giggling.

We didn't end up watching another movie, as we were too busy cuddling and making out, but I didn't mind. Ariana was so much more interesting than any movie. 

This was the best decision I've ever made.

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