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"ARIANA? NJOMZA? HELLOOOO?" Courtney bellowed from downstairs.

I shot up from my bed, frozen like a deer in headlights. Njomza didn't seem to care that Courtney was back, as I detected no movement from down the hallway. I'd better get to Court before she does. I need to tell her my side of the story before N convinces her to never talk to me again. 

Courtney was leaning against the staircase railing when I rushed downstairs, her eyes narrowing at the sight of me.

"Wow...you look like a mess," a flash of concern clouded over her face. I checked my reflection in a nearby mirror. My hair was tangled and disheveled, my mascara was smeared all over my face, and spots of lipstick were missing from my lips. 

"Oh, it's fine." I ran my hand through my hair, trying to make myself look more presentable. 

"Care to explain what happened? Or did you guys just decide to pull a prank on me?"  

"You're gonna hate me..." I mumbled, walking away from her. 

"Ariana what the fuck?" She grabbed my arm. I tried to pull away, but she had a tight grip on me. "I'm gonna hate you even more if you just leave me hanging like this."

"I cheated on Njomza, ok?!" I practically shouted, ripping my arm free and storming back upstairs. Courtney was right on my tail, chasing me down to my bedroom.

"YOU DID WHAT?" She screamed in bewilderment as if I had just murdered her entire family.

"I didn't mean to, alright? I was fucking stupi-"


"Mikey," My voice dropped and I hung my head, taking the moment of shock as a chance to run into my room. I locked the door and leaned against it, silently willing for Courtney to leave me alone. I didn't want to see the look of disappointment that is undoubtedly on her face. It would be too much for me.

"Ariana, why?" The disappointment in Courtney's voice was enough to kill me. "It's been what, a week? And you've already broken her heart."

I know. I know I'm a disappointment, I know Njomza shouldn't have trusted me with her heart. 

Courtney's footsteps echoed down the hallway. She'd probably gone to comfort Njomza or something. I wish I had told Courtney what had really happened, but "I cheated on my girlfriend because I was drunk" would sound like a weak excuse, especially to someone like her. 


"Njomza honey, I am so sorry." Courtney looked at me with pity, propping herself up against the armrest of the sofa.

"Did she tell you everything?"

"What more is there to know? She cheated on you and now is trying to play victim or something."

"But she said it was an accident," I muttered, deep in thought. "She said she was drunk and-"

"A cheater is a cheater. If she did it when she was drunk, then she would've probably done it sober too."

Ariana is a good person. I know her, and I know her intentions, but I couldn't help but wonder if Courtney had a point there. What if eventually, she was going to leave me for Mikey anyways, even if she hadn't gotten drunk that night? The thought made me feel sick to my stomach. 

"I don't know," I shook my head, trying to clear my mind. 

"Just don't blame yourself, you did nothing wrong. It's all on Ari."

"I know but it's just...should I give her a second chance? What if I'm just overreacting? She didn't mean to kiss Mikey, after all."

Courtney thought for a moment, then took my hands in hers and looked me in the eye.

"I cannot make the decision. That's up to you. You have every right to be upset, but if you would like to try things out with her again, then take your chance." She let go of my hands and gave me a comforting pat on my knee. "Oh, and you two were my OTP." She winked and added on a less serious note. 

"Thanks Court," I gave her a smile and got up from the sofa, heading towards my room to think everything over.

My heart ached to hold Ariana again, but part of me still refused to let go of the resentment. No, I'm not ready to go back into a relationship yet, and neither is Ariana, I'm sure. Well, I don't think we even broke up, but I don't think I can call her my girlfriend anymore. We both need more time.

ik this chapter is kinda short but i have like 5 missing assignments :(

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ik this chapter is kinda short but i have like 5 missing assignments :(

anyways how is everyone doing?

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