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So we finally got to the end of this book/story after one year

Yes, I finally completed my first fanfic. :)

I would like to thank all of my readers for reading this, showing support, voting on each chapter, and commenting. I would also like to thank my readers who have been reading this book since I started it last year and being patient with the updates. 

I started this last year expecting to finish it sometime at the end of Fall but writers block hit me heavily and I had trouble updating and spent many months without continuing. I even got to the point where i was going to leave this book on discontinued but then i got the motivation to write and update this again so i did and i finally completed all of the chapters

I'd like to thank my friends for helping me and giving me some ideas on what should happen. I truly appreciate it <3

and like i said, Thank you to all my readers for all the support! Every view, vote, and comment matters to me!

2024 update: I originally wrote this book in 2019 and ending it in 2020. I've matured a bit since 2020 (obviously its been 4 years) and I read this story and saw a couple of things that I wanted to change. 

The original version had a lot of typos and grammatical errors. I'm not and I never was perfect at grammar, but I did want to make an effort on cleaning it up a little bit. 

There was also some mysoginy towards Courtney Love that I don't agree with nowadays. I don't believe she actually murdered Kurt Cobain anymore, and I believe that Kurt actually loved her. I didn't want to be part of the Courtney hate train so I tried to change the parts of the story with her in it as much as I could without changing the whole book.

I also changed the ending because I hate Jimmy Page now. I've become fully aware of what a horrible person he is, and I could never get myself to like him again. He's a disgusting person and while I still listen to his music, I don't have any respect for him as a person anymore. So instead, I had him die even though he was the survivor in the original.

I let Roger survive because honestly he wasn't in the story that much even though he does play a major part (in a way). Plus with him being unrecognizable, I gave him a very bitter ending where he survives but also lives a not so convenient life. 

But yea, those are the changes I've made. Hopefully if anyone is reading this after 4 years. 

Thank you all for reading 

The end

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