Chapter 24

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Durk POV

India and I took over King's operations and everything had been moving smoothly so far

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India and I took over King's operations and everything had been moving smoothly so far. I taught India how to shoot accurately and got her senses on point. That was my little shooter. These niggas I had watching my spot on 65th had me fucked up. It seemed like they were always coming up short with my money. I wasn't going to go for this shit anymore. I pulled up to the trap and hopped out. I noticed that no one was outside, I wasn't fucking with this vibe so I grabbed my gun from my waistband and cocked it back. I opened the door and the first thing I see is a pool of blood. "Tf!?" I said out loud. It was dead quiet and the shit wasn't sitting right with me. I decided to follow the blood. I held my gun up and walked through the whole house. Nothing or no one. Shit wasn't adding up, who would be dumb enough to splurge on MY trap?! Niggas had the game fucked up. I walked outside and I saw a white Crown Vick sitting right in front of the house, I stared at it for a moment and then all of a sudden that dead silence turned into violent gunshots.

Nique POV

Trey was dead

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Trey was dead. I didn't know how to think or feel. The bitch he had gotten pregnant cut his break lines. I was in this shit alone. I had no friends. No family. I isolated myself from everyone because they judged me so bad. I didn't know how I was going to raise this child. Yea I had a car and a apartment but I was depending on Trey for everything. I was really fucked up. I reached out to Trey's mother and she told me to come over so she could have a talk with me. When I got there I saw the funeral home director outside on the phone. I walked in and there was his mother sitting on the sofa with tears in her eyes. "Hey baby, your getting quite big." She looked at me and tried her best to smile. "Yes ma'am , this baby is kicking my butt." She smiled for a moment and then her smile faded away. "I'm so hurt right now, my only son is gone ...." she broke down and started crying. I got up and got beside her and just held her. Tears started running down my face as well. "I got you momma, I promise." She gave me a weak smile and rubbed my belly. A few minutes passed and we heard a car door slam. "Are you expecting anyone else today?" I asked her. "No baby only you." She got up and opened the door. Out of no where she started cussing and yelling so I got up and went outside. She was arguing with Trey's other baby momma. This bitch has some nerve to come over here knowing what she did. "Why the fuck are you here bitch!" She snapped her head to look at me. "I'm here to pay my respects , I cut his break lines but I didn't think he would actually die!" I looked at this bitch like she was dumb as hell. "What the fuck did you expect! You shouldn't have even played like that! Now both of our kids won't have a father! Because of YOU!" I broke down in tears all over again. Trey's mom held me while tears ran down her face as well. "Just go! I don't want nothing to do with you!" With that she turned around and left. I stayed with his mom for a few more hours and then I decided to go home.

India POV

When I pulled up to the block where Durk was going to, it was a crime scene

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When I pulled up to the block where Durk was going to, it was a crime scene. I saw police tape everywhere, an ambulance and several police cars. I got out of the car in a panic when I saw blood on the porch. "Ma'am we cant let you through." A female officer tried to stop me from going in. Just when I was about to cuss her the fuck out, one of Durk's block boys pulled me to the side. "What the fuck happened?!" I asked in a serious tone. He put his head down. I didn't like how this was going already. "Durk got hit, I don't know all the details right now but I swear I'm going to find out." My heart fell completely out of my chest. I turned around and ran to the ambulance. They were doing everything to get Durk stable. His body was just laying there lifeless. One of the paramedics tried to stop me from getting in but I told her I was his wife. She nodded her head and we left for the hospital. I called Juanita and made sure my siblings were okay and I asked her if she could pick up my car. When I got to the hospital the doctors rushed Durk into surgery. A million thoughts ran through my mind. Please God! Not my Durk too. I prayed over and over again. This shit was making me sick to my stomach, I kept having to run to the bathroom to throw up. I hated this feeling. All I could think about was how the doctors came back and told me when my father died. I needed my baby to make it through this, I couldn't lose him too. "India! Baby are you okay??" Ari walked into the waiting room. We hugged tight and she sat next to me. "I don't know if he's okay, I'm scared Ari." She held me tight as I cried. "I know I know, he's going to be okay, we just gotta pray." She sat and waited with me. After about 2 hours the doctor finally came out. "Family of Mr. Banks?" I stood up quickly. "Yes , is he okay?!" He took in a deep breath and a looked at his clipboard. "Well, Mr. Banks is a very lucky man, he was shot 6 times, 4 times in the chest, and twice in his leg. One of the bullets almost pierced his heart but it didn't. We have him stable for right now and I can allow you to come see him for a few moments." A feeling of relief washed over me. I walked back there with the doctor and soon as I walked in tears ran down my face. Durk had all kinds of tubes connected to him. I just wanted to hold him but I couldn't. "Mr. Banks will have a long road to recovery, but on the bright side we do know he will get through this. I'm right outside if you need anything." The doctor gave a handshake and he left. I walked to the side of Durk's bed and held his hand "Baby, I'm sorry, I should've never let you go by yourself. I love you baby." I stayed there with him for the rest of the night. I assume Ari left whenever I came back here. I sent her a text letting her know I was okay and I was spending the night up here. Soon after that I fell asleep.

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