Chapter 18

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India POV
I woke up to a empty bed. "Not again." I thought as I grabbed my phone. This time I had a text from Durk,
Durk🤪-Didn't wanna wake you, I had some business to take care of, I'll pick you up tonight for dinner , be ready at 8.
I started smiling hard as hell. Maybe things would be different this time. I can't even lie, I missed his ass. I got up and took a shower and ran downstairs. Juanita was in the kitchen cooking breakfast just as my dad walked through the door with my brother and sisters. "Hey India!!!!!" Malik ran and gave me a big hug, followed by Nia and Nicole. "Hey y'all, what's been going on." "Nothing much we had a sleepover at Daddy's girlfriend house." I looked up at my dad with a stank face. "She was NOT my girlfriend, she was just a friend of mine that I've known for a few years." My dad said. I continued eyeing him but I kept my mouth closed. He knew how I felt about him having his hoes around. That shit just wasn't a good look at all. He knew not to try that shit with me. We all ate breakfast and I went upstairs to my room. Nique kept calling me so I decided to answer.
Me- What?
Nique- What you mean what?.... I've been calling and texting you for two days, what the hell going on? And how'd you get to the airport?"
Me- How about you don't worry bout me, you didn't give a fuck about me when you were bouncing on Trey's dick now did you?
The line got quiet.
Me- Cat got yo tongue hoe? Or do you still got his dick stuck down your throat?
She started crying.
Nique- India I wanted to tell you, I really did but I was scared, I didn't know what you were going to say. I fell in love with Trey, it was never supposed to happen I'm sorry, please forgive me.
I looked at my phone and busted out laughing. I couldn't believe this bitch.
Me- Bitch fuck you and your tears, your lucky I didn't stomp you the fuck out when I had the chance.
At that I hung up in her face. I couldn't believe this bitch had the fucking nerve to call me like everything was okay when she knew what the fuck she was doing. These hoes are really sad as hell.
Melly POV
After I saw Durk shoot Von, I took the fuck off running. Von was my bro and all but fuck that, I didn't have a strap on me or nothing. I fucked with him but in all honesty I'm glad his ass gone. Von was one of the top dog hittas out here, that nigga been catching bodies since he was 14. He was a hot head for sure, and he didn't give two fucks bout who you went and got because he would shoot they ass too. He had the power of fear out here. And now that fear is mines for the taking. Durk on the other hand was always known to be the cool tempered one, he rarely ever got upset, but he would shoot yo ass with no hesitation and no remorse. Both these niggas were right hand men for King. My real target. I had to come up with a plan. I still had the $50,000 that Von snatched for me. My main focus at this moment was getting close to King. The only way you get to a man with pull like that, you hit him where it'll hurt at.

My mind was gone

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My mind was gone. I couldn't believe I just killed my day 1 brother. My head was spinning all over the place. I stared at his lifeless body. That nigga Melly took off running and I didn't even bother to chase him. Fuck that nigga. A single hot tear ran down my face. "Why the fuck you make me do this!" I yelled as more tears started to fall. I was far from a bitch nigga but this shit really hurt. We could've figured something out. When he reached for his gun that's when I knew it was over. It was either gonna be me or him. One thing that Von lived and died by is don't pull it out unless you gonna use it. I went to my car and got some lighter fluid out of my trunk. I poured it over his body and lit his body up with fire. I stood there and watched his body burn. I could smell the flesh burning and even though I've smelled it a million times, I still could never get used to that scent. When there was nothing left but ashes I texted King.
Me- It's done
He read my message and sent the thumbs up emoji. I shook my head and got in my car. I was angry. With King, with Von, even with my damn self. I just needed to get away.

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