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(Pat point of view)
I woke up all warm a cozy when mama came into the room
"Good morning kiddo" Janus said.
"Mownin mama" I said sleepily.
"Wanna go get some breakfast?" Asked Janus.
"Suwe mama" I said with a yawn. Janus picked me up and took me downstairs.
"Babe is breakfast ready?" Janus asked logan.
"Yes it is, give me a minute and I'll bring it out." Logan said finishing pancakes. After a few minutes logan brung our the food. "Mornin Pat pat how'd you sleep?" Logan said cutting up pattons pancakes. "Good papa!" I said ready to demolish the pancakes. After a minute I got my pancakes and ate them happily while mama and papa were talking about Remus and onesies I think. To be honest that's what I was thinking about and how good a cook papa is. "Dhese so good!" I cheered. "That's good kiddo glad you like them" papa said with a smile. Mama smiled at me and giggled. "You got pancakes all over your face." He said picking me up grabbing a baby wipe and cleaning my face off. I giggled while he did this. "We play outside?" I asked. Papa came over and hugged mama, "I'm sorry kiddo but we can't buttttt we can go get ice cream if your good after me and mama work?" I gasped and smiled wide. "Yeah yeah yeah ice cweam!" I cheered. I ran out of mamas arms and ran to the living room to watch tv while they worked.

(Alright I'm done with creative I got none left if yall can you can request stuffs I'll try to do them to the best my writing abilities go)

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