The day of shoping

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As the morning came dee and Logan were writing a list of the stuff they have to get for patton.
"Onesies, bottles, passies, and what else?" Logan questioned stressed out about all of this.
"Baby don't stress about this we also need diapers and a adult size crib." Deceit said trying to help.
"Why is it so hard to do this?" Logan asked trying to calm down.
"I don't know I'm sorry baby." Deceit said.
"It's not your fault babe." Logan said trying to find a adult size car seat online.
"I'll go get patton so we can give him to Roman and Virgil." Deceit said.
"Ok dear I'll get roman and Virgil and give them the rules for babysitting pat." Logan said. Deceit nodded and went to grab patton and get him ready for the day.
"Patton kiddo where are you?" Deceit asked looking for patton thought the room.
"Here mama!" Patton giggled looking up from the floor.
"Why are you on the floor pat?" Deceit asked smiling.
"I was looking for remus mama." Patton said.
"Ok kiddo." Deceit said, "lets go to roman and Virgil."
"Virgie and RoRo!" Patton giggled as he went into deceits arms.
"That's right pat." Deceit said. Once down stairs patton went into Romans arms wile waving bye to Logan and deceit.
"Bye bye mama and dada!" Patton said waving.
"What do you want to do pat?" Roman asked.
"Disney cookies!" Patton shouted.
"What are Disney cookies?" Roman asked.
"List read list!" Patton said.
"Disney cookies are making cookies while watching a Disney movie and shaping the cookies like a character from the movie." Virgil said, "which movie pat?"
"RoRo pick!" Patton said.
"How about mulan?" Roman said.
"MULAN!" Patton giggled clapping his hands.
"Sure." Virgil said. Roman But mulan In as Virgil held patton.
   "RoRo is ReRe ok?" Patton said.
   "Yes he is buddy he's shopping with mama and dada." Roman said.
   "Verge do you like like RoRo?" Patton said with a smirk.
"Patton!" Virgil yelled causing Patton to wince.
"Virgil no yelling." Roman said comforting Patton.
"I'm sorry patton" Virgil said, "I forgot about the thing with yelling."
"It ok Virge!" Patton cheered.
"Well lets watch the movie." Roman said.
"Ok!" Patton cheered. As the started to watch the movie patton fell asleep.
~a few hours later~
"We're home where's my baby! Dee screamed.
"Babe patton is just find we left roman and Virgil to watch him so he's probably watching Disney." Logan said.
"I know but what if roman or Virgil started yelling at patton?" Dee whined
"Roman and Virgil know not to yell at patton remember I made the list of things to do and not to do around patton." Logan said placing some bags of baby things on the counter.
"Babe what if patton wasn't taken care of probably?!" Dee continued.
"I know my brother Dee he wouldn't yell or hurt patton!" Remus shrieked.
"I hate it when your right remus." Dee said.
"Babe Virgil hates yelling as well and Roman hates peoples being hurt." Logan said walking into the living room to see roman and Virgil asleep while Patton is chewing on Virgil's hoodie strings that were taken out of the hoodie.
"Dada!!!!" Patton cheered spiting out the strings.
"Hey baby boy how was hanging out with Virgil and Roman?" Logan asked.
"Dada virge screamed and RoRo was trying to get virge to stop." Patton said.
   "Dee get in here and help me wake up the babysitters!" Logan called.
   "Ok babe!" Dee called back going to the living room.
    "They did scream." Logan said.
       "They are dead men!" Dee hissed.
    "Mama!" Patton giggled.
    "Patton!" Dee said running to hug patton, "Now how are we going to wake them up?"
   "What about cold water?" Logan asked.
    "Patton what do you think we would do?" Dee asked.
    "Mama dada water!" Patton said all bubbly.
    "My innocent little boy being all evil" Dee laughed.
     "Go mama!" Patton giggled. Soon logan and dee went to the kitchen to grab cold glasses of water and they come back out and poured the water on roman and Virgil's heads.
    "WHAT THE HELL!" Virgil screamed.
    "IMA KILL YOU BASTARD!" Roman growled.
    "You awake yet!" Patton giggled.
     "Patton!" Virgil screamed.
"Dat my name done ware it out!" Patton said.
"Logan Dee what did you get from the store?" Roman asked.
"Bottles passies dipers onesie and more stuff come see it if ya want and come help us put it up!" Dee said.
"Ok virgil why don't you hang out with patton." Roman said.
"I want ReRe to watch me!" Patton whined.
"Ok remus can watch you while we put up your new stuff." Virgil said handing patton to remus.
"Hey little buddy!" Remus squeaked.
   "ReRe!!!" Patton giggled.
     "You want to go have a onesie fashion show?" Remus asked. Patton's eyes lit up as he nodded.
   (A few hours later)
    "Heheh ReRe I wove it!" Patton cheered in a rainbow cat onesie.
    "I'm glad you like it but for now bed time." Remus said.
   "But I want to continue playing!" Patton pouted.
    "I'm sorry buddy here I'll let you stay in the onesie." Remus said carrying patton do Patton's huge crib.
    "Otay ReRe." Patton said while being tucked into his bed.
    "Night night patton." Remus said turning off the light.
    "Night night." Patton said falling asleep.

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