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Flower was now three months old, and becoming more active. She was clapping and smiling whenever she felt happy. It was only a matter of time before her first laugh.

“Poppy, I'm here!" Branch exclaimed, storming into the pod. “What's the problem?"

“Problem? What problem?" Poppy asked. Willow was there, too, drinking a cup of black coffee.

“You said it was important," he pointed out.

“Yeah, I didn't want you to miss Flower's first laugh," Poppy explained. “It's an important milestone!"

“You mean you had me leaving the safety of my bunker just to hear her laugh?!"

“Her first laugh," Poppy added. Branch just smacked his own forehead.

“Branch, getting out of your house isn't the worst thing you can do, especially if you're me," Willow assured him. “Plus, you could really use the exercise."

“Okay, keep my stomach out of this," Branch spat. They all heard Flower make a sound and Poppy gasped in surprise.

“Will, you did it!" she said excitedly. “Flower laughed!"

“I'm flattered, Pops, but I'm pretty sure that was a hiccup."

Flower hiccuped and drooled a little.

“Come on, work with me!" Poppy groaned, which caused Flower to cry. “Oh, my gosh! I am so sorry, sweetheart! I didn't mean to scare you. Come here, come here, come here..."

“Poppy, Flower's not going to laugh until she thinks something's funny," Branch pointed out, “and I doubt that something is gonna be crude insults."

“I resent that," Willow said.

“Don't worry, I'll find something you think is funny," Poppy promised her baby girl.

“What about tonight's carnival?" Willow suggested. “There's clowns, pet shows, a hall of mirrors, and a guy getting dunked in water. It's like a laugh fest!"

“Uh, no," Branch told Poppy as she thought about it. “No, no, no, no, no, no, no. You are not taking her to a carnival."

“No, I'm not," Poppy agreed, causing him to sigh in relief. “We are!"


“Come on, Branch!" she insisted. “You and I taking our daughter to her first carnival! We're gonna have so much fun!"

“I'm not the fun type," Branch said flatly. Suddenly, they noticed a small, owl-like creature fly into the pod, slamming into Willow's face!

“Ow!" Willow shouted. “This is no way to treat a lady!"

“Is that Jasper?" Poppy asked.

“I think so," Branch replied. Jasper was Cyan's service critter who helped keep an extra eye on the kids at the daycare.

“Get off me and tell me what's going on," Willow grumbled as he hooted at her. “Oh, that's not good."

“What is it?" Poppy asked nervously.

Poppy's Secret (REWRITE)Where stories live. Discover now