Telling Cyan

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Poppy woke up way later than she had planned. This whole pregnancy thing was beginning to take its toll on her body. Then again, yesterday's baby shower was quite a house party. She looked in the mirror and was not impressed with what she saw.

“I don't know who says pregnancy causes a glow, but they must be out of their minds," she muttered to herself as she brushed her bright pink hair. Poppy decided to sing to herself to cheer up a little.

Here's a little song I wrote

You might want to sing it note for note

Don't worry, be happy

Once Poppy finished freshening herself up, she heard someone knocking on the door.

“Who is it?" she called out, putting on a purple dress.

“It's the pizza boy!" Branch answered sarcastically. “Who else would it be?"

“Oh, hi, Branch," she giggled nervously, answering the door. “What are you doing here so early?"

“It's 11:15," Branch pointed out. Much to his surprise, Poppy swore under her breath. A word he never heard from her before, but one he said at least ten times a day.

“I was supposed to help Biggie with the cupcakery this morning," she groaned. “I didn't think pregnancy would keep me from performing my duties as princess."

“I'm sure he'll understand," Branch tried to reassure her. But she was still anxious.

“I should go and apologize to him."

“I thought we were telling my mom about the baby," Branch reminded her. “I know it won't be easy, but... I can't think of a bright side."

“Typical Branch," Poppy mumbled.

“I heard that. Come on, Pops. I mean, what if the baby looks like me, wouldn't my mom suspect?"

Poppy gasped. “You think she's gonna look like you?! I don't want my baby to be grey and miserable!"

Branch glared at her, causing Poppy to look away.

“I'm sorry, I'm just scared," she admitted. “For the past... twenty-eight minus six... twenty-two-and-a-half weeks, I've been nothing but scared. I'm not supposed to be, I'm gonna be queen one day. And... Hug Time! —And I love babies, I see them every day. Why am I scared of taking care of my own?"

“Well, it's a lot of responsibility," Branch explained. “I mean, think about your dad. He had to take care of you and run a kingdom all by himself, that must've been hard. But at least you have friends who will help you when you need them, and I'm here to help, too."

“But why do you want to help?" Poppy asked. “I told you, there's no obligation."

“I know, but I lost my father when I was too young to remember him. It wasn't his fault he got eaten by a Bergen, but I don't want my daughter to grow up the way I did because I wanted nothing to do with her. And you know what? Now that I'm closer to her, despite the fact she's not even born yet... I love her, and I just wanna protect her."

Poppy's Secret (REWRITE)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن