Chapter 6:Nick

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Nick watched as Zak ate his breakfast. God, he was cute even when he was stuffing his face with pancakes. Nick turned back to eggs. Nick was starving. 

When they had finished eating at around 10 am, Jay got up and took the keys out of his pocket. Zak put the money down on the table and they left. "Have a good day" a their waitress called as the reached the door. "You too" Jay said, and they stepped out in to the late morning air. Nick opened the side door and got in, sitting down on the small leather couch. Zak sat next to him. Jay got into the driver's seat. "We'll be back at the hotel in about two hours" Billy said, looking at the GPS. Aaron took out his earbuds and closed his eyes. Billy took his phone and started scrolling through Instagram. Jay pulled out of the lot onto the road. Zak looked at Nick, he smiled. Nick blushed, he smiled back. "Get some sleep, Nick" Zak said, Nick took out his air pods, turning on his music. He dozed off, leaving reality behind. He woke up in the woods. He looked around, Zak was sitting on a big rock. He wasn't wearing his shirt, his tattoos shimmered on his sweaty skin. Nick looked at him. Zak got up, walking over to Nick. "Well, well" He said, grabbing Nick by the waist, his scent was intoxicating. Zak ran his fingertips along Nick's face and arms. Zak put his lips on Nick's. Nick shut his eyes, melting into Zak. Nick ran his hand through Zak's hair. Zak pushed him up against a tree, kissing him harder. Zak put his hand on Nick's face. Zak kissed his neck, running his hands up Nick's shirt. Nick ran his hand along Zak's tight abs. Zak's lips were soft. When Zak finally pulled away, he put his forehead to Nick's. Zak ran a hand through Nick's hair, pulling Nick into him again. Nick kissed him, wrapping his arms around Zak's neck. Zak smelled so amazing. Nick wanted to stay like this forever. "Nick?," Zak's voice snapped Nick out of his dream. Nick opened his eyes, Zak was shaking his shoulder. "Nick,wake up dude, were at the hotel" Nick groaned. He sat up, rubbing his eyes. His music was still playing in the background. Taking out his phone, Nick turned of the music. He got up and opened the door, the afternoon air was warm against his skin. Nick followed the guys into the lobby. The hotel smelled like flowers and leather. Nick traced Zak's body with his eyes, god, he was handsome. He thought about telling Jay about the dream. He decided to keep it for himself for now.  He stepped into the elevator with Zak. The rest of the guys were going to the store for something, Nick wasn't sure what. So that left Nick and Zak. Alone. Together. In an elevator. A very small elevator. Together. Nick's hand brushed Zak's. He blushed. They quietly stood next to each other. Nick thought of his dream. He thought about how much he wanted it to come true.

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