Chapter 4:Nick

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"Zak? do you want to come with me to the general store across the street?" Jay asked, standing up, Zak looked relived, "Yeah, yeah okay bro" he stood too. They walked out. Once they were gone, Nick looked at Aaron and Billy. "Did Jay seem weird to you guys at all?" Nick asked. Billy said "Jays always weird" Aaron looked puzzled, "He did seem anxious to leave with Zak" he said. They were quiet. "Have you guys ever been in love?" Nick asked, breaking the silence. Billy looked up from his phone, "Huh?" he said, "Have ya'll ever been in love?" Nick asked again. Aaron and Billy looked at each other. Billy smiled, "You have a thing for Zak, don't you" Billy said.  "NO!" Nick shouted, Aaron and billy just looked at him. Nick blushed, "Yeah, okay...Maybe I do...But don't tell him" Nick looked at his lap. Aaron and billy grinned at each other, "I knew it the whole time" Billy said, sitting back and crossing his arms. Nick felt his face get hot. "You guys don't think it's weird, do you? If it makes you uncomfortable I-" Aaron interrupted "Its fine bro, really. I hope you two end up together" Aaron smiled, "I think you two would be a cute couple" Billy said. Nick smiled, "Thanks" he said. "How will I tell him?" Nick asked, "What do I say" Aaron shrugged, Billy thought for a moment, "I know" he said "You should talk to Jay, he could help, he helped me with my date a couple months ago." Nick cringed, the memory of Billy's ex-girlfriend made him feel sick. "Please don't talk about Jessica ,man. For real" Aaron said. Billy rolled his eyes, "You're just jealous you couldn't get a date" Aaron blushed, "That's because I mean the person I liked already had a date". " Whatever" Billy said. "Guys i'm really confused here" Nick's palms were sweaty. "Let's start small" Billy said, "Just tell him how you feel" Nick thought about this, "Or you could wait for him to tell you how he feels" Aaron said, "It seems he has feelings for you" Billy smiled "Just do you, man" Nick nodded. It was official, Nick Groff was falling for his best friend.

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