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"I think you should get her some flowers, let her know you're thinking about her." Denis said as we were sitting in the car, going to Tiana'a runway.

"She'll think I like her or something. I can't lead the lady on like that." I told him.

"But you do like her! I see how your eyes light up when we talk about her and don't think I haven't seen you pick up magazines with her face on the cover." Denis said causing my cheeks to heat up.

"Buying magazines? Hilarious!" Taylor said from the drivers seat.

"Lay off me, will ya?" I said as I crossed my arms and slumped in the seat. Taylor pulled on the side of a flower shop and went inside. I looked back at Denis and seen a grin on his face.

"I'm only agreeing because you might be right." I said.

"Come on Mike, I'm always right. I don't understand why you love going against me." He shook his head, a grin still playing on his lips. I only shook my head at his words. Taylor soon came back with a beautiful bouquet of flowers. He handed them to me and we was soon back to the road to the show.

We made it there before anybody else. In fact, we were extremely early. I didn't want to miss anything so what better way to do so than to come earlier than expected?

"I could be sleep right now." I heard Taylor mumble.

"Yeah well, you aren't." I told him.

"Is this what love looks like? Showing up to her events first?" Taylor asked Denis and he nodded, the two snickering after.

"I am sitting right here! And I'm not in love. Just a friend showing another support." I said, trying to justify it.

"If it helps you sleep at night then we'll buy it for now." Taylor said. I only slouched in my chair at his response.

It was almost close to show time and Denis insisted that I go find Tiana and hand her those flowers. I was against it at first, because I wanted to hand her the flowers after the show, but Denis said it's best if I do it now so we can have one on one time. From the way he wiggled his eyebrows, I figured out what he meant about that.

I went backstage and found her dressing room with ease. I was seriously surprised that no one stopped me or tried to drag me back to the front where everyone is waiting for the show to began. I knocked on the door that had her name on it and Tiana yelled for me to come in. I opened the door and saw her sitting down on the couch.

"Michael?" She said, giving me an surprised look.

"I'm sorry, I just couldn't wait to see you." I said. I slowly walked into the room, holding my hand behind my back, and closed the door behind me. "I got you these." I said as I revealed a bouquet of pink flowers. I didn't know anything about flowers besides roses so I wasn't sure what these were.

She stared at me in awe.

"Oh Michael, their beautiful." She said as she quickly stood to her feet and grabbed them out of my hands. I was quite happy at her response.

"Just like you." I said. Cheesy, I know, but I wanted to make her feel good about herself before the show. "I have something to tell you later, if you still wanted to come over."

"Yes, yes! I do plan on coming over still!" She exclaimed.

"Good, I hope this would kill your nerves." I said and she nodded.

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