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"Michael! Michael! Michael!" The crowd chanted in front of the hotel I stayed in. I opened the window and threw up the peace sign. The crowd went crazy as they seen me appear in the window. I blew kisses then went back inside and closed the window.

"I wonder if they sleep outside at times." Denis, my manager, said as he read the newspaper.

"They usually be there until I leave." I sigh.

"No worries, we'll get you out of here in the morning with no trouble." He says, turns the page in the newspaper, and crosses his legs.

"You said that last time, and the time before that. Matter of fact—"

"I get it Mike. I've said this a bunch of times but as long as you're still alive and moving, does it really matter?" He says. "Don't even reply to that." He quickly says before I could open my mouth.

* * *

I couldn't even get out the revolving door before a crowd of fans tried to tackle me down. Good thing security was here to push them back. Denis and I ran for the van and got in, security right behind us. Once inside and secured, the driver took off with fans chasing the van.

"This is the type of excitement I live for!" Denis says excitedly.

"What's so exciting about being mobbed?" I questioned while giving him a bewildering look.

"That rush feeling kid." He pats my shoulder and I shrugged him off. I leaned against the window, hoping the car ride would be long enough for me to catch some sleep. I fell asleep around two in the morning and I had to be up and out the suite for 7am.

"I hope you aren't trying to fall asleep Mike! We have a interview booked." Denis says.

"Cancel it. I don't do interviews." I told him with my eyes still shut.

"Come on Michael, your fans want to hear from you again." He says.

"I understand that logic completely but I refuse to be interviewed and then have them edit it like I'm a bad person. Cancel it." I said sternly. He didn't reply which lets me know that my final words was enough.

"Michael, We're getting ready to release Dangerous. This interview is solely about the album and the album only." Denis said, which lead me to believe my finals words weren't enough. I sighed angrily and he continued on. "It's good business Mike and you know it. Cheer up and prepare for this interview."

Instead of saying anything back to him, I laid my head against the window. We arrived at the studio where the interview was being held twenty minutes later. I was unable to try and catch some sleep due to the fact that I couldn't help but worry about what the interviewer would ask. Denis could say it's just gonna be questions about the album but you just never know.

"Going live in 3..2..1.." a man with a headset yelled and pointed to the cameraman.

"Good morning everyone, I have Michael Jackson sitting right here in front of me today." The interviewer starts. "It's been three years since you've last been interviewed I hear, is that right?"

"Correct." I spoke, giving her a fake smile.

"So tell me, are you working on your next album yet?" She asks.

"I'm actually finished with the album and it's set to release really soon." I told her and her eyes widened.

"You hear that folks, Jackson is coming after a long four years." She says. "Will there be a tour?"

"Of course there'll be a tour!" I chuckle.

"What should your fans expect to see on tour in the future?"

"I prefer not to explain it. I want my fans to expect the unexpected when they come to my shows you know?" I explain and she nods.

"Speaking of tour, we've been told about a certain lover that was a dancer on your Bad Tour. Are you two still together? Will she be on this new tour?" She asks. I couldn't hold back my pissed off facial expression.

"There was no lover." I said.

"Is there one now?"

"No and there won't be one for awhile."

"Why do you feel that way? Don't you think you'd find love?"

"I'm sure I'd find love but right now my focus is on the music and my loving fans." I said then fixed my tie. I'm already not liking the direction this interview is going.

* * *

"You lied." I said as I tried walking away from Denis. "You told me she would only talk about the album."

"She did talk about the album!"

"She also tried to dig into my love life and family business!" I stopped and turned to him, causing him to bump into me.

"I didn't know—"

"Of course you didn't know!" I yelled then walked away. All my security helped me to the limo and I told them I refuse to be in the same limo as Denis right now. They had Denis ride in a different car. I was beyond pissed off at him and he's lucky if I don't fire him by the end of the day.

"Where are we going sir?" The driver asked.

"I need to get in the dance studio, bring me there." I said.

It took about forty minutes for us to make it to the studio. Upon our arrival, Denis was pulling up right behind us. I wasn't in no mood to see or speak to him at the moment. I told security not to let him in. I could hear Denis yelling and cursing outside trying to get me to speak to him. I only kept walking and made it inside one of the rooms.

I was in the studio for a little over three hours trying to come up with dance moves for Remember The Time, one of the songs off my album. I was currently sitting in a chair with a towel around my neck, trying to calm down my breathing and write all the ideas I had for this short film.

"Micheal, the studio is closing soon. We have to start hittin' the road." I turned around to see one of my bodyguards standing at the door. "I'll get the limo started up."

I wiped the sweat off my forehead with my towel then started grabbing the little things I had and walked out. I was met with more security outside, who was making sure I got inside the limo safely.

"Where'd Denis go?" I asked one of the body guards.

"He went home after twenty minutes of cursing us out." He chuckled.

"I was gonna fire him but I guess I could keep him around a little longer. One more fuck up and he's gone though." I said. "Conner, call Denis and tell him I need him to set up auditions for dancers."

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