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"What's your next class?" Kim Seungmin asks you.

Kim Seungmin... brown hair, cute fashion sense, serious in class but playful around you. Your best guy friend, talking to you in the hallway as he puts his books away in his locker.

It's the interval between fifth and sixth period, and you're both changing classes, going to options. You're in foods, him in photography. Despite your best efforts, you never got to be in the same options classes ever since you both started high school, which was two years ago.

"You know," you say, poking his elbow and cutely acting mad at him. "Don't tell me you forgot?"

He grins cutely. "Maybe... can you refresh my memory?"

"I'm in foods, dummy. We're making tamagoyaki today, I can't wait!" You squeal happily.

Seungmin was about to close his locker, but stopped dead mid-air. He gazes at you, embarrassed. "Tamagoyaki?" He asks quietly.

You already know why he's being like this. For three years now, you've both gotten close enough with each other and we're pretty tight. That also meant you both knew each other's likes and dislikes. He loved anything that had to do with eggs, and judging by the look of his face, he was most likely about to ask you if you'd save him some.

You decide to play around with him for a bit. "Before you ask, no I can't save you any. You know Ms. Seo never lets us take the food outside of the classroom."

He frowns and looks so disappointed that you can't help but burst out laughing. "I'm just messing with you! Of course I'll save you some!" You exclaim.

"Ah, you're so mean, Hwa-young!~" he pouts.

"Aw, cheer up," you say, patting his head and ruffling his hair.

"Anyway, you wanna meet up after class is over today? We could study together, if you like," he says after you let go.

You smirk. "If by 'study', you mean eat the tamagoyaki while sitting in an open water park and have a water-gun fight afterwards in our bathing suits?"

"Maybe... maybe not," he smiles. Which just so happens to be code for 'heck yeah'.

"Then yes. Anyways, I have to get to class now. You have fun with photography! Take some nice photos for me!" You call as you speed off to class.

What you didn't know, however, was that after you left, he got his phone out and looked through his camera roll for an old picture of you. You had taken the photo last Christmas on a snowy day, but you did it in his phone. Since then, he'd kept it on his camera roll, and even favourited it.

He grins, puts the phone away, and heads to class.

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