I got in Riggs truck and told him my address.

"Nice house" he said pulling up to my driveway

"Thank" I laughed awkwardly "wanna come inside"

"Sure but I gotta be home for 12 right . You got us on a tight leash" Riggs joked

I went inside and got us a beer each out of the fridge. I sat down next to Riggs on the sofa and put my legs over the top of his.

"Hi boy" Riggs said scratching gunner behind the ear

"Hey I just wanna say thanks" I said

"What for. Getting stuck with two dick heads and a small irritating man" Riggs laughed

" no seriously. I feel like I can tell you and Rog anything. Sure you guys had to be my partners but you never had to be my friends to" I said

"It was a good choice" Riggs smiled as I shuffled closer to him and lay my head on his chest.

I flicked the tv on and watched stand by me for a while while Riggs ran his fingers through my hair.

When the movie finished Riggs got up and took the beer bottles through to the kitchen. I followed after him.

"Well I gotta get going" he said awkwardly

"Yeah. See ya tomorrow partner" I said giving him a friendly punch in the arm.

Riggs POV

I got in my truck and I was just about to go home when I turned around and went to Rog's

"Riggs what the fuck are you doing here it's 2 in the morning" murtaugh asked

I stood for a second thinking about my answer.

"Is there a reason your here or are you just going to stand at my doorway"murtaugh sighed

"Righ um yeah sorry Rog can I come in?"I asked nervously, slightly distracted.

"Whatever"he said looking at me weirdly "beer?"

"Sure"I said sitting on the sofa

He came back through moments later with two beers and he sat on the sofa opposite me.

"So... are you gonna tell me why your here or do I have to guess"He said sarcastically

"What"I said just zoning back in

"I said are you going to tell me why your here"he repeated "everything alright?"

"Yeah"I sighed "wow I really don't know how to say this Rog"

"This better not have anything to do with Rianne"he said angrily "you didn't sleep with her did you Riggs!"

"Rianne, no don't worry Rog"I laughed "ok well I might as-well just tell you ok so , ah shit, I kinda think That -,"

"Roger, what the hell are you doing!" Trish said angrily appearing at the top of the stairs "oh Martin sorry I didn't see you there, I didn't know laundry service started this late "

"It's alright Trish, how are you" i asked "oh and don't worry I've got no laundry, I'm thinking of investing in my own washer, machine thingy"

"Alright, first of all its called a washing machine and second of all save yourself the trouble, Riggs there's no way you'd be able to work a washing machine"she replied "you two want anything to eat "

Rog looked at me straight away with what almost looked like worry. Trish's cooking wasn't exactly the best.

"No thanks I should get going and hey thank for the advice"I said standing up "gotta go to work"

"Riggs it's 2 in the morning"

Just as I stood up Rog's house phone started to ring.

"Yeah. Yeah okay we'll be there in 10 minutes"he said

"What? Who was that?" I asked him

"Well I didn't expect to get a call this late but it's the South Africans we met with earlier. someone saw three people of a pretty similar description to the people who tied me and Trish up the other night sneaking around a neighbourhood. They set fire to some things." Rog explained grabbing his jacket.

I sighed and got into the car with Rog.

"Hey Trish I'll see you soon okay? I'll be back soon" Rog said giving his wife a hug.

I couldn't help but miss vikki. Even after 3 years it still hurt.

"Hey so what were you going to tell me earlier"Rog said "you finally decided to get a haircut?"

"Oh that, you know what never mind"I said trying to change the subject "and there's nothing wrong with my hair!"

As we continued driving a black cloud of smoke was becoming more visible. Whe we pulled into the street there was a house fully on fire.

"Shit!" I shouted realising who's house it was

I hope you enjoyed this chapter, let me know what you thought in the comments . Thanks for reading 🤍

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