『4』Inverted Eijiro

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"Eijiro!" Katsuki said excitedly. He grabbed the boy's arm and helped him stand up.

"Don't fucking touch me." Eijiro spat shoving Katsuki to the ground and making him cry.

"Eijiro play nice." Izuku said menacingly.

"Oh so this is where you guys disappeared to." Eijiro said looking around the room.

"They look like our classmates but different..." he made eye contact with Kirishima.

"Heh you've got a doppelganger Eiji." Shoto said. "I've got one too, he looks like a candy cane of it was dead inside."

Midoriya exclaimed that it wasn't true even though most of the class couldn't deny his statement.

"Anyways It's not my fault Kat's a weak ass little bitch."

Katsuki started crying and Izuku sighed. "Eijiro I am NOT in the mood right now and so help me god I will tie you up in a fire pit and light it up with NO hesitation okay." The calmness of the tone sent a chill down Eijiro's back along with everyone else in the room except Shoto who managed to sneak away and grab some cereal and was happily watching everything unfold.

"Midoriya-kun is scary." One of the hero class students whispered to another.

"You're telling me." Eijiro said. "If he doesn't become the next top villain I'd be so surprised I had a heart attack."

"So Eiji could you give me a status report of how the battle is going."

"Oh well since I'm stuck here now we're outnumbered and there is no sign of Uraraka's team close by so most likely we're gonna lose and all get arrested."

"Shit!" Izuku yelled while slamming his fist into the table. "We need to get back."

"Um you four aren't going anywhere." Uraraka said.

"Seriously I don't have the patience to deal with this shit." Izuku said annoyed.

Bakugo approached the Villains and grabbed Izuku's collar. "Well you better gain the fucking confidence because you extras aren't going anywhere."

Izuku smirked and placed his hand onto Bakugo's wrist. "Feisty, you've got more spine than my Kat that's for sure." Izuku slowly started to increase the pressure of his grip as he activated one of his quirks. "But you don't wanna mess with me." He said squeezing Bakugo's hand so hard a small crack was heard before he released it.

Bakugo held his deformed hand. "Fuck!" He said in pain.

"Ha isn't Izuku just the manliest, we don't have time to deal with a bunch of wimps like you." Eijiro said proud of his friend.

"That's not the way I'd describe being manly." Kirishima spat back.

"I bet we could take then if we had a couple more people from our squad or even Ocha." Izuku said.

As if on que a black haired boy with a yellow lightning bolt shaped streak fell into Eijiro's arms.

"Oh hey babe. Nice of you to drop in." Eijiro said making a pun.

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