9 | softball practice

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I have softball practice every Tuesday and Thursday. Coach Jackson has us training twice a week for the championship game in two months, and we've all been out of shape since Christmas break. She's always hard on us, but that's what makes her a damn good coach. A few years ago, the school was planning to cut the girls' softball team, and Coach Jackson worked her ass off to make sure we stayed. So, we put up with the extra practice and weekend workouts. She's tough on us because she cares.

Jessica comes striding over with a big grin on her face and sits across from me on the bench as I'm tying up my laces. "I have tea," She whispers.

I give her all my attention. "Spill. Let me guess: a girl?"

She blushes. "Yes."

My eyes widen as I smile big. "I knew it! Tell me everything." I shake her arms. "I have to know."

"Okay, okay!" Jessica sighs. "I'm crushing on this girl in my art class."


She nods. "Crazy hard. Her name is Lanley and she has the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen. One's blue and one's green."

"Your two favorite colors!" I point out, excited.

"I know! That has to be a sign, right? Fate has looked down upon our mortal souls and put Lanley and I together."

"Assigned seats, you mean?"

Jessica shrugs. "Same thing. We've been talking every day in class, and I want to ask for her number, but I'm too shy."

"Go for it, Jess!" I encourage her, bumping a fist into her shoulder. "What do you have to lose?"

"My dignity? A future wife?" She laughs. "So... is The Great Codi crushing on anyone this year?" I look away, biting back a grin, and she smacks my arm. "Ooh, she is! I knew it! Who's the lucky guy?"

"Brad," I answer with a blush. "He's in my English and Chemistry class."

Jessica pouts. "Lucky. I only have one class with Lanley. But go on! Are you guys talking?"

"We're not 'talking' talking, but we talk a lot in class." I smile and add, "He's really nice."

Coach Jackson blows her whistles and interrupts out conversation. "Ladies! Be on the field in five minutes or you're running laps home!"

Jessica and I grab our duffel bags and head outside. "Do you think he likes you back?"

I shrug, telling her, "I don't know. I hope so." We meet the other plays in the dugout. Coach Jackson holds a clipboard as she does attendance. "I can't tell, honestly."

Jessica crosses her fingers. "Let's hope for the best."

"Alright, ladies!" Coach Jackson blows her whistle again. "Settle down. Now, as you know Amber won't be playing with us for the rest of the season. Apparently being four months pregnant prevents you from playing any sports." She holds up a card, and there's a stork carrying a baby on the front. Cute. "Amber's baby shower is next weekend and for some reason she invited all you dummies. Please sign your name and only your name." She turns to glare at Corey, who bears a sweet smile. "You can either provide your own gift or donate ten bucks. Don't care, but I will not allow anyone to show up empty handed. Got it? Amber is family and we take care of family." She starts the card signing at Olivia.

"I can't believe Amber's that far already," Jessica says as she leans back and crosses her arms. "Too bad her baby daddy's a dick, though."

"Oscar?" I ask, confused. She nods. "I thought they were good. What happened?"

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