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"Dad?" I poke his shoulder twice, impatient now. "How much longer?" I ask as he works on building my new swing. It's all I've wanted for my birthday. "Dad? Daaaaaaaad?"

"It'll be done when this song is over," He answers, reaching over to turn the knob in the radio and the song gets louder. I recognize the voice, a song from his favorite band, Nickelback. Mom doesn't like his music, but Dad plays it anyway.

I roll on my back with a sigh and stare up at the tree. "This song is sooo long!"

"It's only three and a half minutes long," He laughs.

"And I've been waiting all year for this swing," I remind him, bored out of my mind as I pick at the grass. I tear a few pieces and toss them aside. "Remember? It's my birthday."

"Of course I remember. You woke me up at six am this morning to set this up for you." Dad chuckles and ruffles my freshly-cut bangs. "You need to be patient, Codi. I need to make sure I set this up right so you don't fall and get hurt." He leans in and whispers, "Your mother would kill me."

I roll my eyes. "I've broken my arm before. I'll be fine."

Dad shakes his head and says, "Oh, really? Last week when you stubbed your pinky toe, you couldn't walk unless we gave you fruit snacks."

"That's your fault for giving into my laziness," I joke as I stand up, wiping grass and dirt off my jeans. I lean against Dad's back and pat his head. "Is... it... almost..."

"Done!" Dad shouts and as he jumps up, I lose my balance and fall forward on my stomach. "Whoops." He links his arm with mine and helps me stand. "Go ahead, kiddo. Give it a ride."

"Finally!" Excited, I climb on and Dad helps me straighten out on the wooden board. He grabs the ropes, tugging the swing back, and gently presses his palm into my back as he pushes me. The swing moves fast and I smile as the wind gusts through my hair. "Higher! Higher!"

With one final push, Dad leaps to the side and stands at a safe distance in front of me. "Can you swing by yourself, Codi?"

I nod, determined, and kick my legs in each direction as I swing back and forth. "Look how high I am, Dad!"

"Codi!" Mom calls as she walks out from the kitchen. "Try not to swing too high! We don't need you falling on your face!"

"Don't worry, Mom!" I reassure her with a smile. "Dad will always catch me. Watch!" Letting go of the ropes, I fly off and soar through the air before landing safely in my father's arm. "See?" I hug him and shout with a laugh, "This is the best birthday ever!"

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