Flash Forward in Time - Storm's Star

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Not to mention, Song's wife ran a flying cafe that must be running them into the ground for the operating and levitating costs alone. In this economy, Bay's cafe, Bar Volo, had to be keeling its death throes.

"Doesn't it seem a bit silly to live magicless rather than cancel a few subscriptions? Or sell the levitating home, or your moto? Or Bar Volo, for that matter."

"Doesn't it seem silly to cast beverages into the air with starlight when you have two functioning hands?"

"You're not wrong. In conclusion we're an entirely ridiculous society." Storm sat down facing the window ten thousand feet above the capital. The Alcyone flew a little higher every year, and now Song's view was mainly cloud, cumulonimbus and nimbostratus, or cumulus and altostratus depending on the day.

Lightning cracked, lighting the sky with blinding power, branch by branch through the severe gray towering wash of cloud, beyond which the skyline and its thousands of floating skyscrapers restaurants, attractions and businesses couldn't be seen, as they were hidden behind all that cloud, and most of it went on a thousand feet below. Storm loved to look up from a focused work session to see the bars and coffee shops float by, to watch aer favorite Lillywoods grow ever higher until their branches chased the bottom of the Central Library building orb, to witness the adolescents with learning permits almost crash motos that lit on the wind, cruising slowly with amazed panic on their faces.

Even to see a caravan of Lower Stratus protestors sail by, shouting and chanting with magic amplified criticisms of the corporation.

A decade ago, Song could have actually watched the life of the city orbit her office, which proved just one more reason not to get promoted at the company. 

"You've been promoted," said Song, taking her seat.

Just as predicted. "No. Nope. That's not what I asked you for, Exequi. I don't need a promotion, and you know that."

"The company has needs too. For example, we need a new head of gnomon R+D since Exequi Manzi has filed for retirement. You can have her office, it's just one floor below—"

"Don't do this to me. Don't promote me and call that my reward for hard work and loyalty."

"The party in your honor is tomorrow. It'll be unforgettable. It's at the new rooftop fountain; we'll be able to breathe up top since the oxygenation spells have been fully tested."

"Cancel it. Don't waste the stellar energy on me. I don't need it."

"What about the salary bump? You deserve it."

"What am I going to do with more solidae, buy a penthouse? I already have one. Give it to the poor? There aren't any more. I don't need more salary, Exequi Song. You know that, because I paid the downpayment for a starborn thirty years ago. That's what I want. If you're going to reward my work, get me off the waitlist."

"That's not going to be possible today, Storm. I'm afraid you're number 99 in line."

"I've been number 99 for six months."

"No one has died."

"In six months?"

Song shrugged. She took a sip of her buttercream cha. "The purpose of this company is to improve society in every way possible. We're at the pinnacle of that work. No one starves anymore, no one goes hungry. Safety and security is unparalleled in Solari history. There's little crime, and unprecedented security to prevent homicide. Disease has been eradicated, and all unintended consequences of magic have been ironed out."

Inyanga's Star and Other Constellationsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن