15 - Meeting the Fellas

Start from the beginning

Of course, then Mista rambled on about that there was a kid that adopted a kitten from a litter of four and was scratched on the face.

"That's just an old wives' tale!"

As they shouted, Leone, stood to grab a slice himself.

He took a piece, but took an extra and handed it to the girl.

Although Y/N didn't ask him to bring her a slice, she was grateful and thanked the man.

"But I want some strawberry cake!-"

"I did it! I did it Fugo! How's it look!", Narancia celebrated. Fugo looked up. "You're finished? Let's have a look-"

He wrote 16 x 55 = 28.

Y/N giggled. She forgot just how funny this scene was. It really gave her a big first impression on the gang.

And then...

Fugo grabbed a fork.

And with a crunch, stabbed Narancia on the cheek. Blood dripped as he screamed.

'Yare yare... time to be the mom again'

"You stupid delinquent! Are you messing with me?! How many times do I have to teach you this before you learn?!" Fugo viciously grabbed his head, then proceeding to smash it to the table.

"You shit-for-brains!"

Y/N winced. Sure she's seen this scene many times, but seeing the scene in a different angle where you can perfectly see the fork go through his cheek was disgusting.

"Oh boy, he's lost it now. Hey Abbacchio, are you gonna eat that cake?", Mista commented behind the scenes, Leone replying with a sip.

"Hey Mista, can you grab that water bottle?", Y/N asked the male, who then did as told.


Narancia's knife slid near Fugo's neck.

"What? Did you just call me shit-for-brains? It's not good to look down on others. I'll kill you. I'll kill you, Fugo", Narancia intimated, the knife drawing nearer.

"Alright, that's enough", Y/N sighed. She pushed the two boys away from each other.

"What are you guys doing?!", a familiar voice roared.

Everyone turned to see Bruno.

"I could hear you all the way from the entrance! You're bothering the other customers".

Y/N gestured Narancia to come closer, inspecting the wound before gently placing a band-aid.

As Bruno walked, a familiar teen walked behind him.

Y/N noticed and smirked. Giorno noticed as well.

"This is the new member I told you about yesterday", Bruno started.

"Let me introduce you, Giorno Giovanna".

'Looks like the main character's finally here'

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