Untitled Part 2

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Jimin POV

I lay in bed staring up to the ceiling. Jungkook had brought me through something to eat but I couldn't stomach it. Why did I do that to her? What possessed me to do that? I thought. If Hobi hadn't walked in on me.... I shook my head and sat up. This wasn't me, I wasn't like this. I was nice, I was polite, I treated everyone with respect, that is how my parents raised me. Around her though, I had turned into some kind of monster, a monster that I couldn't control. It was like my desires took over me leaving no room for rational thinking. I danced with my brothers, I was happy. When I looked at her, I wanted her to be as happy as I was in that moment. She was special. I didn't plan what had happened. I just wanted to dance with her, dance something other than our usual dances. I don't even know what I was thinking when I put my hand out and asked her to join me. She looked so innocent staring back at me with a starstruck expression. She put her hand in mine, a spark. A literal spark. I smiled and led her to the floor. Her hand in mine, her touch, her soft gentle touch sent my body into overdrive. I just wanted to touch her, every inch of her. I wanted to feel her skin next to mine, I wanted to drown in her. I tried so shake off the thoughts. I stood up and walked over to the plate Jungkook had left on the desk. Why was she consuming my thoughts like this? I began to think of her again, think of all the things, all the dirty things I wanted to do her. I was disgusted in myself. I looked to myself in the mirror. I didn't recognise myself. Staring back at me was that monster, that monster that disrespected her, that monster that wanted to defile her innocence. I scowled at my reflection. I wasn't going to let this monster take control of me. I flipped the plate and punched the mirror, smashing it into pieces. I screamed at my broken shards of a reflection as tears began to stream from my eyes.

JK: Hyung?

I ignored him, growling with anger towards that monster. I placed my hands on the broken pieces, letting it dig deep into my skin. I felt nothing. No pain just hate for that thing in front of me. I was pulled from my stance and thrown back onto the bed. I curled my knees up to my chest and wailed out in pain. Not the pain from my wounded hand, pain from losing who I was. I could feel an arm wrap around me and warm breath tickling my neck. It was a reassuring embrace as he buried his face into my back. I could hear is gentle sniffles as he tried to hold back his own tears.

JM: Let me go! I'm a horrible person!

JK: No hyung. You are one of the nicest people I know.

JM: I'm a monster! A disgusting monster!

JK: No you're not.

He wouldn't listen, he wouldn't let me go he just lay there holding me until my tears eventually stopped. We lay there for what felt like an eternity.

Y: Am I missing something?

Yoongi had appeared out of nowhere the way he did. He looked to us lying on the bed before slipping in and closing the door over. With a sigh he walked over and carefully moved JK's arm from me. He pulled at my hand and looked at the wound before shaking his head.

Y: Go get the first aid kit.

JK nodded to Yoongi before dashing off out the room, wiping the last remains of his tears before going. I slowly sat up, unable to look at my hyung.

Y: Why?

JM: Because I am a monster.

He didn't say anything. He just nodded and made a small "hmm" noise. I wiped my face with my other hand as Yoongi sad down on my bed beside me. Jungkook returned with the first aid kit placing it down beside Yoongi.

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