Chapter 6

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"Charmaine," I acknowledged, staring at her without even smiling. I wasn't sure what to feel. Should I feel happy to see her again?

I remained expressionless as I asked, "So you're an exchange student here too?"

Charmaine was smiling again, "Yes! Along with Cassiel. Remember him?"

I momentarily recalled and nodded, "Yes, I do. Didn't expect you to be here,"

"Yes, me too! But I'm so happy that I could see you again! And I'm so glad you're doing fine here too," Charmaine said as cheerfully as ever.

I was cold, "Good for you. I'm going back to check on Grayson,"

Charmaine stopped me with a question, "Grayson? Who's that?"

I was about to turn around but I had to answer her first, "A human," that was all the answer I gave her and without wasting any time, I turned around to walk away.

However, Charmaine managed to grab on my arm. I turned to look at her, accidentally giving her a scowl.

"Why are you being so cold to me? Did I do something wrong?" Charmaine asked me as she looked at me sadly.

I wasn't sure what kind of excuse I shall give her yet I gave her one, "You might have a different impression of me now. Stop pretending to be nice to me,"

"I'm not pretending,"

"Then what?" I furrowed my brows at her as I pulled my arm out of her grasp.

Charmaine sighed, "I have no reason to pretend. I am genuinely happy that I could meet my best friend again,"

"You angels...," I let out a mocking laughter, "I'd like to believe you have a pure heart but... Just stay away from me," I told her that as I didn't want to have anything to do with any angels at the moment and I at least didn't want to cause a scene.

It seemed Charmaine didn't want to press any further so I took it as a cue for me to leave. I left her there, who was wondering what was the cause of the change in me, with a high probability of broken friendship and a potential bad-term relationship with me. What made me become this way? I had my own reasons.

Whatever we had together back then, the good times we'd spent, I'd like to throw it all away.


I went back to where I left Grayson knowing that he didn't follow me at all. I didn't care about that kid... I just didn't want Lucifer to find out and he will kill me for not being responsible enough.

I sighed as I walked along the hallway, eyes wandering around for signs of Grayson. I didn't want to admit it but I did feel a little tiny bit of regret. I shouldn't had left him alone. The consequence might be him being eaten by any random demon— and no one wanted that. The whole program will be ruined because of that and I will be the one taking the blame and then what's next? I'll be thrown out from the Devildom and drown in the lava of hell? That's the last thing I ever wanted in my life right now though I knew I will end up in hell anyways.

As I walked further down the hallway, I finally saw that son of a beach. He was surrounded by a number of female demons. I didn't know what they were trying to do to him— probably chatting with him? But he didn't seem comfortable.

I just approached them, "Sorry, ladies. I'm afraid he's mine," I claimed with a smile.

They all stared at me skeptically and one of them narrowed her eyes at me, "Are you new here? Never seen you before,"

"Hey, you look familiar," another demon squinted her eyes close to me, scanning my face as if her eyes could detect and extract my details.

"Do I? How exactly? Because I've never met you before," I gave her a toothy grin and pull Grayson out of the circle, "This boy is still new here so I'm very sorry for being careless. Bye, ladies!" That being said, I dragged Grayson out of the area as far and as fast as my feet can go.

As we stopped somewhere, Grayson panted, "Ugh, what the heck are they? I couldn't breathe because of their perfumes. They were too strong that my nose were itching,"

I laughed, "That's probably their pheromones,"


"I guess they don't work on you," I said nonchalantly, "Those ladies weren't being friendly with you for no reason,"

"What do you mean?"

"They wanted to eat you,"

Grayson was silent for a moment and then, he talked, "Wow, so you came to my rescue? Shall I call you 'my hero'? Is that what demons are suppose to be? I thought you don't care,"

I sighed as I rolled my eyes, "You don't know how to be thankful, are you? If you die, then I'll die and I don't want that,"

Grayson laughed in a mocking way, "You demons are scared of death, huh?"

This guy was really getting on my nerves, "Do you actually want to die, you lousy human? Ever since you came here you've been so damn troublesome and freaking infuriating. If it weren't for this program, I don't give a middle finger about you and I never did anyways but I had to. Why don't you just die here and rot somewhere?! It'll make things easier for me,"

Grayson's eyes widened as he watched me. He looked absolutely terrified. I could feel my insides were boiling out of rage and I couldn't contain my wrath anymore.

This kid has to die or else.... Or else....

"Rami! No!"

Suddenly, someone screamed at me and I found myself staring at Mammon spreading his arms to defend that kid behind him. Where did he come from?

"Get out of my way!" I screamed at Mammon which was unnecessary but I just felt like doing it. I didn't care about my surroundings, if everyone were staring at me.

"Rami, you've lost control of yourself. Ya better stop this right now before Lucifer comes here. Please," Mammon almost begged at me, "I really don't wanna hurt ya so ya better calm down, right now,"

I blinked. I'd lost control?

I looked down at myself and realized I'd changed forms— I was in my demon mode. So this was what it felt like to be an angry demon.

I covered my face, "Oh, no. What's wrong with me," I whispered underneath my hands.

"What's going on here?"

Uh-oh. He's here. I'm so dead.

"Oh no, Rami we gotta run!" Mammon whispered to me as he grabbed my wrist, urging me to escape.

"Hold it, you two. I won't allow you to run. You're coming with me and you too, human," Lucifer ordered, glaring us down.

It was Grayson's first day here but I messed things up. Oh boy.


A/N: Sorry for not updating for awhile. I might have writer's block so I stopped writing. Welp.

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