chapter 3 - Thunder

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Olivia pov -
I had been having a good night in my new memory foam bed when i was suddenly woken up by the sound of thunder. I quickly sat up in my bed and pulled the covers as close to me as posible.Then I saw lightning. I was terrified of thunder. When I was at home and it would thunder I would always put ear plugs in to block out the noise and put cute videos to distract me from the thunder and lightning. But here I didn't have earplugs or a phone. I started crying trying to be as quiet as possible. The thunder started getting louder scaring me even more. I was curled up into a ball crying my eyes out. I needed something to comfert me but I had nothing. I thought about going to Zayns room but I didn't want to bother him.I looked at the time and it was 2am. This is going to be a long night. After like ten minuets I couldn't take it anymore I was way to scared and my sobs were getting louder.

I got up from my bed and walked to the door as I was about to open it when there was more thunder making me jump and cry a little more. I quickly opened it and went to the door right across from mine, remembering Zayn said his room was across from mine. I stood there debating weather I should go in or not. What was he even supposed to do to make me feel better.Then there was thunder again the loudest it's been making me finaly decide to go in. I opend his door and stepped in it was vary dark, but the bit of light that came from the window lit up his face. I  carefully walked to him making sure not to fall since I couldn't see anything. Once I got to him I put my hand out to his shoulder and shook him a little. He slightly moved but didn't wake up. So I shook him again harder this time. He slightly opend his eyes then looked at me. His face eminently changed to worry when he saw I was crying and he sat up.

"Olivia what happened? Are you okay?" he asked concerned. I opened my mouth to talk but all that came out were sobs. There was yet another lightning making me jump. He quickly got up and hugged me. I emidietly held on to him tightly. As if i were to let go he'd disappear and I'd be left alone with the thunder.

"Awww baby are you scared of the lightning?" he asked in a sympathetic tone while he rubbed my back. I just nodded my head on his chest. "It's okay nothing bad will happen we are inside." He held me for a little more while I cried into his bare chest. "Come on baby how about you sleep in here tonight. Lets try and get some rest yeah?" He said pulling away slightly to look at me. I gave him a sad smile and nodded. He pulled me into a quick hug befor we got i to bed.Once we both got into bed and under the covers my sobs had calmed down a little,but I was still crying a little with hiccups every once in a while. I was laying on the edge of the bed when Zayn pulled me closer to him and placed one of his arms over my waist. We were face to face so I layed my head on his chest and hugged him. For some strange reason I felt safe in his arms. You wouldn't think that would be possible considering he bought me for god knows what reason.

But I liked laying here with him I could feel his warmth, and his hand brushing thru my hair was calming me down a bit. He was being so caring twords me despite how annoying I was being earlier. As my crying was nearly gone and I was starting to fall asleep thinking about him for the second time should I add. He started humming a song. I don't know what song it was but it was really calming and lulling me even more into sleep. My eyelids started getting heavy but before I let the darkness consume me, I felt Zayn place a light kiss on my head. And with that I feel asleep.
A/N - Hey guys I hope your enjoying to story so far. Ik I updated it kind of late today but I was really stressed out about school earlier and needed some time to relax :( I will update again soon though. And remember if you guys have any suggestions for what you want to see happen in the story just comment :)

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