“Your dead, Jami,” says the man after a long moment of choked silent.

Kiera slowly pulls back, carefully not to stab the girl with her claws. When Kiera steps off the girl she pulls in a quick breath, coughing as tries to stand on shaky legs that almost refuse to hold her. A friend moves in to support her.

Kiera moves back beside Chase who nips her shoulder in warning. She twists around, biting at his face in annoyance. He growls. She can tell Chase is unhappy that she’d hurt the girl, but Kiera doesn’t care. If he doesn’t want to hurt them, other wolves will, and they will kill the Revokers without pause. There’s no mercy in war. Kiera will hurt them if it means that they last an extra two minutes in a fight, if it means saving their lives.

The teacher watches Kiera until she blinks at him, which he nods at, as if understanding her point without any words being exchanged. He turns to another kid.

While the teacher organises the next mock fight Kiera turns to Chase with a growl and raise her tail. Instantly Chase copies the action, refusing the let her get away with the dominance right now. Very slightly, Kiera drops her tail to show she’s not going to challenge him, and turns back to the fight.

The next guy watches them, already in a fighting stance. His face is a mask of determination, but his eyes show his fear; as if he doesn’t already smell of fear strongly enough to tell anyone in a fifty meter radius that he’s about to wet his pants.

It’s the kind of fear that will draw every wolf looking for blood, will make his moves sloppy, his mind irrational and his death quick. He’d be an easy kill.

Kiera’s already dropped into a low stance instinctively. Fire burns through her body as the beast in her awakens; the same one who would have killed this kid instantly a few months ago, but now it’s an almost motherly instinct to teach her kids how to protect themselves. It was lacking the motherly affection though, and instead wants to shake them up until they learn something.

She snarls at the thought. This must be how Bree felt with her, which is odd the think because the kids are only a year or two younger than her, but so much less experienced.

The kid shifts his feet slightly, hand tightening on the fake knife. “Kane,” says the older Revoker, “don’t hold back. As far you are concerned right now, this is a real fight, and your life is on the line.”

At the Revokers words Chase drops into a crouch but Kiera’s already lunching herself forward without pause.

The kid gives a shout, jumping back and sweeping the knife in hazardous arch.

He’s too scared, she thinks to herself as she easily slides under his arm. The fear isn’t helping him, but instead helping her by clouding his thoughts and making his actions wild. Chase hasn’t even moved before Kiera’s knocking him to the floor with only her front paws and forward momentum.

He falls hard, but keeps the knife in his fumbling finger. One swipe of her paw and the wood dagger clutters away.

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