Começar do início

"Come to mummy" I smiled putting my phone away. There was no way I was going to change Isaiah in the park, especially considering how many faces were outside today. "I'm gonna go home and quickly change him" I stood up from my seat, this was the only logical solution for me to take. As much, as I could not be asked to walk home and come back, I felt that it would not have been fair for me to end their time bonding so soon.

"How about you change him in my car?" Dwayne shortly stood up after me. As much as I hated him, I could not deny such an offer. I was even hopping that he would even tell me that I did not have to come back as he had plans.

"Ok" I stated bluntly, following closely behind as he pushed an empty buggy whilst I held him in my arms.

"You got some air freshener? Your defo going to need it" I suggested, as Dwayne came walking back from tossing Isaiah's diapers in the bin. His car smelt awful. Which I certainly did not mind, as it gave him a taste of what parenthood really was.

"Definitely" He moaned as he sprayed his BMW. It was not much of a surprise that he had a permit, as even before the whole situation he was driving but to think that he was driving a 2019 plate at his age was shocking. "Smells better?" He asked me, which I then dipped my head back into the car to smell and approved by nodding.

"I told my mum about Isaiah" Dwayne stated nervously, which I was shocked to hear as I had not expected  him to tell her so soon. He continued "I was wondering if she could meet him today?" Out of all the questions I had premeditated that Dwayne could possibly ask me. Seeing his mum was one I did not expect to hear. As much as I did not want to seem as a "bitch." I felt as though introducing Isaiah to his mum would be taking things too fast. I wanted it to be a gradual process, as I certainly did not trust leaving Dwayne with Isaiah considering he had just met him today. Seeing his mum, would mean that I would have to tag along.Something I was not prepared to do.

"Another time?" I quickly dismissed avoiding his gaze, as he tried to analyse me. Dwayne was always good at reading people, so it would not have been a surprise if he wanted to test me to see how I'd react.

"Dami you know I'm sorry, i thought it would be nice for my mum to meet him today." he responded gently flicking Isaiah cheeks.

"Ok and why can't we meet her another time. " I snapped back at him, I found myself starting to get irritated. To me it was the sense of audacity and entitlement Dwayne felt; like how dare you just come back into my life and start demanding things from me.

" I told her that I was coming to see him today and that I would come with him. She's really excited Dee" He went on to say, whilst leaning on his car.

"First and foremost I'm Damilola to you. Second, you never told me about no arrangement to go see your mum till now and she can see him another time," I barked back at him, placing Isaiah in his buggy to buckle him in his seat. I was so over this this conversation. It was clearly going nowhere and my answer was never going to change.

"Alright." He clenched his jaws. His face showed it all, he was definitely hurt by what I said. As much as I wanted to cleanse out the bitterness in my heart it was still evidently very prominent.

"I think,I'm going to go now" I announced. It seemed to me that there was nothing more for me to say, as we awkwardly stood in silence for a couple of seconds.

"Can't I drop you home?" He suggested which I declined by shaking my head. The least I wanted to do was be in a moving car with him. And I certainly did not want him knowing where I lived.

"You sure?"

"Yeah" I smiled, whilst strapping Isaiah in his buggy which he was quick to scream at me at first,  until I gave him his dummy.

"Anyways it was nice seeing you both. Here's a little something I got for him" Dwayne announced as he took out a JD bag from his car to give to me.

"You didn't have to Dwayne" I stated whilst looking into the bag to see what he had brought for his son. From what I could see he got him a couple of tracksuits and some shoes. Something I did not expect him to buy for him at all.

"The least I could do after everything" He sighed, with a hint a of disappointment in his tone. I would be lying if I said that he was not trying to be better. I just did not want him to feel as though he had gotten away with everything. It could all be forgiven eventually. However it was something I could never forget.


"Do you think he was sincere?" Riah asked. This was almost the 100th question she had asked me today. She was so eager to make sure I had not missed any details in what happened today. It was as though she was punishing me for not letting her join me in the park.

"Yeah he kinda was" I answered. He was amazing with Isaiah but one thing this entire situation taught me was to not trust people when they said they have "changed." It's a thing where I will be observing Dwayne to see if his actions match his mouth.

"I know closure was something you wanted. But don't you see the harm in you carrying a heavy heart filled with resentment and anger" Naomi added. She had a point though I could not see her physically as we were currently on a conference call, I could see her using her hands as she made her point. Looking back at the way I snapped back at him, it was out of order. No matter how much pain he caused to some extent he did not deserve to be treated in that way.

"Nae, she has every heart to be angry. She should have really cussed him out" Riah intersected. As the "grown" and "mature" person I was trying to be it would make me take a step back from the closure I was trying to get. At the end of the day, it was no longer about me. Isaiah is and always will be the centre of it all, he's the priority in this. All I wanted for him is to have his "father" in his life.

"She's right though Riah. Isaiah is all I care about right now and I just cannot afford to be angry at him."

"Dee we are here for you both."

"Yeah" Riah added in agreement to Naomi.

"Anyways I'm going to go now. Me tiyad" I announced yawning. I was due to have a nap right about now. My eyes could not take it anymore.

iMessage 📱
Dwayne; Hope you are both well. Damilola I've been thinking and I just wanted to apologise for being so adamant about taking Isaiah to my mums. And I hope we could possibly arrange another day for me to come see little man x

Chance Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora