Next she’s screaming, but she doesn’t know why. Someone’s hovering over her, holding something at the time that must have been terrifying, but now is missing from her memory all together. Chase is holding her down. Somewhere beforehand she’s shifted from wolf to human, and she keeps crying something her brain won’t come to terms with.

Before she can linger on anything else she’s back in the darkness and flailing. Panic. Pain. Fear. Suffocation. It’s dark and light again, both assaulting her as she struggles. For what? She wants it to stop, it all to stop. A small prick in the arm and the world falls black again; endless.

She pulls back into reality. The dimly lit room is more comfortable then the horrors in her memories.

Kiera struggles to sit upright in the bed, but freezes before she can put her right arm on the bed. She doesn’t feel the pain but a warning stabs at her mind anyway.

Carefully, she wiggles up using only one arm, leaning heavily onto the pillows which threaten to swallow her. She examines her arm to find only a simple bandage wrapping from halfway down her forearm to her thumb. It’s simple, much less complex then she’d feared for the warning going off in her head.

Carefully she pokes at her wrist. There’s no more pain then what’s already creeping through her.

Kiera assess for any other wounds. Her body seems fairly fine, except for her neck which feels like it’s been glued shut and filled with something thick and yuck. She struggles around in the bed, searching for a glass of water. It’s on a white and green bedside table.

She glares at the glass.

Of course, it’s on her right side, the same side to her bandaged wrist. She doesn’t think it will hurt to grab it, she suspects she’s been heavily drugged; she can smell the chemicals.

She twists on the bed, using her left hand in case she drops the glass while using her right. The warning at her back of her mind goes off, but she ignores it again.

The waters good, but she nearly chokes on it several times. Whatever’s in her throat doesn’t seem to want to move, making the water burn a trail down and almost come up again. After the first three times of nearly throwing up all over herself, Kiera finally learns to drink slower. It’s a bitter sweet feeling, nice and cool and quenching her first, but burning and choking her at the same time.

When the glass is empty she sets it aside again.

Kiera glances around, unsure what to do with herself until finally she tosses the blankets off and carefully steps out of the bed. Pain laces through her elbow sharply. Kiera pauses, not quiet in pain, but aware that it should hurt. The clear tube’s still strapped to the inside of her elbow. She glimpses, feeling sick at the thought of it being inside her. Quickly she pulls at the tube, tearing away the clear tape with it. She stares at the metal object for a moment. It’s not a full tube, only a needle end attached to the tube that dribbles clear liquid through it. She drops it.

The rooms small, scarcely decorated. It’s so far from the Alcrest style that Kiera’s sure she’s with the Revokers; though her haze memories make it clear.

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