"Goodnight baby," Jasper whispered softly.

"Goodnight," I said before letting sleep take over.


"How much longer till we land?" I grumbled, relaxing on the chair.

"Two hours I guess," Devin replied looking away from his computer for a second.

It's been 11 hours in this plane and to say I was tired is an understatement. After sleeping and waking up we ate and after eating we've been lazing around, making stupid jokes. It's been exhausting. I guess my eagerness to see my father is what is driving me.

Jade and I have been talking and I've gotten to know her a lot better. Her sarcasm and sense of humor is outrageous. She's funny yet tough at the same time.

Jasper has giving me a manual on how to act when we get to the De Luca's mansion. In summary, stepping into their house is equal to stepping into danger so I should stick to him, Devin or Jade always.

From what I know, Jasper knows someone in the Italian Mafia that can get us into the mansion without trouble. I hope it all goes well because I don't want to die with a bullet in my head or in any part of my body at all.

"Do you think Kyler will forgive Zayn and Paige?" Jasper asked from beside me, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"I know he has actually forgiven them, he's just acting," Devin placed his computer beside him.

"I agree with you," I nodded.

"Wait is that why Kyler has been sulking since? Because his sister and Zayn have been fucking around?" Jade joined in looking confused.

Devin shruged in reply and Jade scoffed obviously finding the whole thing stupid.

I talked to Paige before we got on the plane and she's sad but happy. She sad that Ky refused to talk to her but also happy that the truth is out.

I hope they can settle and start talking again before we get back. Jasper has a game on Friday night and we're all planning on coming back before then. Hopefully a mafia war won't start before we get the chance to come back.

I don't know how Giovanni De Luca is going to take the news so our coming back on time depends on him. I'm sure of one thing though, I'm not planning on staying in Italy. Don't get me wrong, I want to bond with my father and get to know the man that was partly responsible for making me but I also have a life to live that doesn't involve the guns and all the danger. I have a boyfriend, a loving family and friends that I don't want to just leave behind.

Even if my father wasn't dangerous I wasn't going to change my mind. And besides I'm almost eighteen, if I was changing custodians it'll be a long process so moving across the damn world isn't an option for me. Thank God for technology, now I can always call him and chat him up then after high school I can spend the summer with him until I go to college. That's my plan.

Two hours of talking and cuddling the pilot finally announced that we were landing so everyone buckled up.

"Gosh my ass in on fire for sitting down for so long," Devin announced while stepping out of the plane making all of us laugh.

I stepped out and a cool breeze hit my face. The night sky had taken over the sky, making the moon and the stars with the lights from the airport and the city the only source of light around.

"We're staying at an hotel for the night then tomorrow morning we'll head to the De Luca's mansion," Jasper told us while snaking his hand around my waist and pulling me to him.

I nodded and walk side by side with him. When we got out of the airport, a black SUV was waiting for us so we got in. Jade at shotgun while Devin, Jasper and I sat at the back.

"How is there a car waiting for us?" I asked.

"I told you I have some people here," he shrugged.

Though in the last thirteen hours I slept for a total of six hours I still feel like I haven't had enough rest. I just want to eat and sleep then wake up to whatever tomorrow throws at me.

I looked out the window and watched the city as we drove through it and one word that went through my mind was beautiful. There are a lot of people on the streets going about with their activities.

Right now I'm kinda grateful that I learnt Italian when I was younger. My mother forced me to go to Italian and French classes those many years ago and I always wandered why. Now I know why, she wanted me to have a little connection with my root.

What I still don't understand is why she threw me out into the streets. No matter how hard I think, I come back empty. She ran away probably to keep her and me safe and we were safe. She had a good job, we never had to worry about the bills or anything and we were comfortable enough so it wasn't because she didn't have enough to feed me and her. I always told people the opposite because that was the only reason I could make up.

Maybe after this our little trip, I'm going to find the devil herself and demand answers to my questions.

"We're here," Jade announced as the car came to a halt.

The hotel was a five star hotel and I'm not surprised, really I'm not. The concierge took our bags as we got to the lobby checked in and to our rooms.

Jasper booked three rooms, one for me and him and the other two for Devin and Jade. When in our rooms, I take a quick shower and changed into my pajamas and snuggled into the bed.

I was too tired to give Jasper any attention so I ignored him. Not long after I got in Jasper got in beside me, pulling me to him. He pushed thestray strands of my wet hair from my face.

"How do you feel about meeting your father?" Jasper breathed into my neck making me shiver a little.

"I'm a bit excited but kind of scared. I don't know how he's going to take seeing me, I don't know if I'm walking right into my death." I turned around to face him.

"You have nothing to be scared of, I'm here for you," he pecks my lips. "I'll protect you no matter what even if it means risking my own life, I'll do it," he pulled me a lot closer to him. "And looking at you alone is enough proof that you're his family and mafias and gangs take family very seriously. They protect each other like they would protect themselves."

His words soothed my nerves a bit, calming my racing thoughts.

"I'll always be here for you Jemma, no matter what," his lips meet mine and we kissed for a while before I pulled away and rested my head on his chest.

My fingers traced the tattoos on his chest. I linger a little on a rose tattooed on his skin. "What does this rose mean?" I asked tilting my head a bit to look at him.

"That was my mums name," He told me with a little sadness in his voice. I can tell he misses her, hell anyone would.

I miss my mum so badly, no matter the hate I feel deep down, a part of me still loves her and I know she's alive but for someone who's mum is dead, he knows he's never going to see her again. That's a wound that'll take time to heal.

It surprises me how he's so strong. For someone who lost both parents at thirteen and his senior brother that was supposed to be his number one companion left him to handle himself alone, he's a strong person.

All the events that went wrong in his life somehow molded and shaped him into the person he is today.

I reach over and placed a quick kiss on his cheeks, silently telling him that I was here for him as he was here for me.

Silence filled the air and seconds after I heard his breathing even out. I closed my eyes and let the darkness take over.

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Till next time. xoxo

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